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CC vs CC action

Wed, Jul 16 2014 2:23 AM (7 replies)
  • stevereilly
    5,915 Posts
    Fri, May 30 2014 3:59 PM

    I'm posting this thread,  in the hope that any country clubs that wish to find a club vs club game can check here to see other clubs with similar ambitions.

    If you are an interested member of a cc who can get a team together,  please feel free to post on this thread and let's see if we can't have a few matches organized.

    At present my own CC,  ( Bridgestone ) have just accepted a challenge from those wonderful fellows at East Coast CC.

    However, when that match is over, I'd be happy to accept challenges from other CC's.

    That said, this thread isn't about my own CC, any CC is welcome to Hijack it to create their own match..


  • tubbytubb
    121 Posts
    Sun, Jun 1 2014 7:56 AM

    Howdy Steve,  ECGA would love to have a CC vs CC match with ya.   We are in one right now, and have another set up for next month, but we have a rather large team, so if your team is not too large, we can play 2 at once.  Let me know your schedule.

    Ronny  (tubbytubb)

  • stevereilly
    5,915 Posts
    Sun, Jun 1 2014 9:20 AM

    Hi Ron.   Bridgestone are also involved in a match right now,  but when we are both finished with our current  cc v cc events,  Bridgestone would be delighted to give you guys a match.

    At the moment,   it's looking like July, before we can start  but I can pm you closer to the time, and we can thrash out the details.

  • johnman1
    1,016 Posts
    Sun, Jun 1 2014 12:14 PM

    Hi The Madrid Golf Club has a team ready to go , about 20 more or less.

    If you are interested in a CC v CC send me a mesage thanks.


  • stevereilly
    5,915 Posts
    Fri, Jun 6 2014 7:24 AM


    Hi The Madrid Golf Club has a team ready to go , about 20 more or less.

    If you are interested in a CC v CC send me a mesage thanks.


    Definitely at some point in the future, Johnman.   We at Bridgestone would be happy to play.

    Tied up for the next two months though


  • PTrenter
    438 Posts
    Tue, Jun 10 2014 7:57 AM

    We at SEL currently have a team of 20 and would love to get a match on with you guys in the near future.

    I would also recommend Johnman1's Madrid Golf Club.  We've had a couple of great matches with them recently.

  • homerss11
    685 Posts
    Wed, Jun 11 2014 12:09 AM

    Hi all,

    I own XTW CC and we have around 20 that would like to participate in a CC v CC match.  Can you tell me a bit about how you go about it.  What kind of games, rounds, time frame, etc...  Just pm me with some details please.  TYVM.


  • lexmarkz33
    8,662 Posts
    Wed, Jul 16 2014 2:23 AM

    I am looking for clubs who are interested in interactive LIVE PLAY (on the same course...same same day.....same time). The WGT tournament format (playing alone) are not real tournaments!

    #1. Are your tournaments LIVE PLAY....with REAL LIVE competition? (The World Clock is useful to get all countries on the same course, same time, at the same time).

    #2. Are there REAL purses (credits) involved? (a few credit Sponsor can create a sizable purse)

    Our club already have these features and are interested in expanding them to CC vs CC competition. If interested....I would be happy to help organize the format. Hit me back!

    "Play for CREDITS Country Club"

    Owner: Lexmarkz33 (Bill)