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Wed, Oct 6 2010 11:17 AM (110 replies)
  • x1524807
    776 Posts
    Fri, Oct 1 2010 6:32 PM

    Not a Tea Party Member - I am a constitutionalist.

    aren't we all, except some of us want to rewrite the constituion, like many conservative candidates are now expousing

    Funny you would count people killed by famine a war victim

    Love your list, but none are war related. all related to people who want power so bad that they eat their own

    I am getting weary of arguing with non intellects, so I will finish tonight with this.

    1980 the repubs took over and by 1992  they had this country in recession and ran up 5 trillion in debt

    92 clinton came in, got a few BJs, and turned the country around where we had SURPLUS.

    GWB CAME IN 2000, RAN UP ANOTHER 5 TRILLION IN DEBT, but he did not put us in recession, he put us in depression. THOSE ARE FACTS, and you can lie cheat and steal your way around the facts, and you can make up your own facts, but that is the way it is. We have had the republican revolution for 20 of the last 30 years, and all it has done is give us 10 trillion in debt, and now the constitutionilst  wants more of that fantastic government. YOU GET WHAT YOU DESERVE .

    As far as the original argument, WAR AND RELIGION GO HAND IN HAND, and the next war that the far right wants is to take on the Muslims, because the Muslims do not believe they are going to hell if they do not believe. Unfortunately, the far right does not have a clue that the Muslims have the big bomb, and they are not scared to die.

    The far right wants Israel to occupy Gaza, so the end of the world prediction can come true, and that is how crazy the far right is. I hope you are not that far right, but you sure sound like it

    Sleep good, and I will pray for you and the other wing nuts



  • ironking34
    749 Posts
    Fri, Oct 1 2010 6:38 PM

    thought this was a golf site, didn't know I could get this much CNN political comments here....WOW.....two things we should know to stay away from is politics and religion.......Have fun playing golf people.

  • SGTBilko
    1,686 Posts
    Fri, Oct 1 2010 6:47 PM

    Fair point but it is deeper than that. Hitler's ability to rise to power was created by France's insistence on financially punishing Germany through reparations that caused the financial collapse of the German economy. Actually German is set to just now finish paying those reparations off. Chamberlains appeasement was the last chance to probably stop Hitler but historians still have different views on that.I think by the time Churchill took over the writing was pretty much on the wall.

    An interesting point that many on the left like to relate conservatives to nazism but that is not true. This actually started during a debate in the 70's. Most true historian will tell you that the German Conservatives opposed Hitler.

  • SGTBilko
    1,686 Posts
    Fri, Oct 1 2010 6:55 PM


    Not a Tea Party Member - I am a constitutionalist.

    aren't we all, except some of us want to rewrite the constituion, like many conservative candidates are now expousing

    Funny you would count people killed by famine a war victim

    Love your list, but none are war related. all related to people who want power so bad that they eat their own

    I am getting weary of arguing with non intellects, so I will finish tonight with this.

    1980 the repubs took over and by 1992  they had this country in recession and ran up 5 trillion in debt

    92 clinton came in, got a few BJs, and turned the country around where we had SURPLUS.

    GWB CAME IN 2000, RAN UP ANOTHER 5 TRILLION IN DEBT, but he did not put us in recession, he put us in depression. THOSE ARE FACTS, and you can lie cheat and steal your way around the facts, and you can make up your own facts, but that is the way it is. We have had the republican revolution for 20 of the last 30 years, and all it has done is give us 10 trillion in debt, and now the constitutionilst  wants more of that fantastic government. YOU GET WHAT YOU DESERVE .

    As far as the original argument, WAR AND RELIGION GO HAND IN HAND, and the next war that the far right wants is to take on the Muslims, because the Muslims do not believe they are going to hell if they do not believe. Unfortunately, the far right does not have a clue that the Muslims have the big bomb, and they are not scared to die.

    The far right wants Israel to occupy Gaza, so the end of the world prediction can come true, and that is how crazy the far right is. I hope you are not that far right, but you sure sound like it

    Sleep good, and I will pray for you and the other wing nuts



    Wow. Not a republican either! Still I give you credit. you are obssessed with war. Unlike you I have fought in them. I oppose them more than most. You facts or should I say DNC talking points lack a historical perspective, so they are not really facts are they. The consitituion is not a living document for interpreation, it is what it is. The founding fathers gave us the tools to add to it or take away and not read something or say "what they meant was..."it can be changed but not through judicial fiat. I am not a conservative but rather a constitutionalist. We believe in strict adherence to the constitution. If it is not in there then it either must be added or removed. For example. The Department of Education and the EPA. They are not authorized under the 18 enumerated powers in the constitution. They are added through executive order which is not authorized. Either add them to the constitution or get rid of them. 

    That is so nice of you to think of me. Like wise!

  • SGTBilko
    1,686 Posts
    Fri, Oct 1 2010 6:56 PM


    thought this was a golf site, didn't know I could get this much CNN political comments here....WOW.....two things we should know to stay away from is politics and religion.......Have fun playing golf people.

    True, but I could not resist! LOL!

  • Chipsalot
    74 Posts
    Fri, Oct 1 2010 7:08 PM


    Well, I would not argue that and totally agree that the progressive liberals that created the laws and conditions to do this. There names are 

    Congressman Braney Frank - Extreme Liberal
    Congresswoman Maxine Waters - Ohh Extreme Liberal
    Senator Christopher Dodd - Extreme, Extreme Liberal

    So yeah you are right, we strayed from our Constituion and took to many progressive liberal ideas and tried to socially engineer a free market system by straying from proven, known lending practices. People were given loans for homes they should have never been approved for. Liberals threatened to shut backs down and guaranteed (fannie mae and Freddie mac)  the loans in the same breath. We strayed from true capitalism and federalism. America is not a Democracy it's a Republic, unfortunately progressive liberals hate it and have tried to change it. Don't worry, were gonna help fix it again November 2nd.

    no lie, you pay this you also get this. Cost you nothing.

    PS: Most Americans are onto liberals use of Sal Alinsky Rules....They don't work with me! But I commend you on using Rule #5 and #11. Progressives would be proud

    Capitalism is Boss! Were right, your wrong, and definitely the end of the story!

    America is not a Democracy it's a Republic,

    What sort of weird thinking is that?

    Yes, the USA is a republic it is also a democracy just as much as the United Kingdom is a democracy as is countless other republics and monarchies across the world.

    I also note that you're back to, "Reds under the Bed' syndrome and knocking socialism, even the word 'social' has you and your type becoming paranoid.

    The whole planet still cannot understand why you denied yourselves a socialized health system just because it had the wold 'social' in it.

    You need a great deal of wit to argue your case on forums. I'd leave them alone if I were you because you're arriving unarmed.


  • SGTBilko
    1,686 Posts
    Fri, Oct 1 2010 7:27 PM

    Yes, the USA is a republic it is also a democracy just as much as the United Kingdom is a democracy as is countless other republics and monarchies across the world. No, we are not a democracy, there is nothing in our founding documents that call us that. A Democracy is a majority rule system. We have a representative system. Our founding fathers did not set that up anywhere. There is a difference look them up in the dictionary. Actually the founding fathers avoided that at all costs. It is not weird at all. 

    The whole planet still cannot understand why you denied yourselves a socialized health system just because it had the wold 'social' in it. It is unconstitutional under our form of government. The federal government was never given that power. Remember the us consitituion grants all powers not mentioned under the 18 enumerated powers to the states. Now, if a state wants to have free health care then that is fine and constitutional. Under nationalized health care everyone does not have better health care rather everyone now has equal lousy health care.

    I also note that you're back to, "Reds under the Bed' syndrome and knocking socialism, even the word 'social' has you and your type becoming paranoid. Not afraid or worried about reds or what the rest of the world does. That was before my time. What other countries do is fine with me, just do not want that form of government here.

    Thanks for the advice but I have enough wit and know exactly what I am talking about. I argue history and facts rather than dogma.

  • SGTBilko
    1,686 Posts
    Fri, Oct 1 2010 7:39 PM
  • CharlemagneRH
    1,054 Posts
    Fri, Oct 1 2010 7:51 PM

    Allow me to summarize.

    A democracy is "majority" or "mob" rule.  They can expel people that they don't like, toss them in jail, or what have you.  Individuals are not required to be given rights.

    A republic is essentially a restricted form of democracy that must stay within the framework of a Constitution that usually, as is the case with America, enumerates what the function of government is and what "rights" each individual has, which trump anything that people at the voting booths write on their ballots, any measure passed by Congress, any executive order mandated by the Executive branch, or any ruling of the courts.  Should any or all of the branches of government infringe upon the rights afforded to individuals, we are offered this advice by the Declaration of Independence: [W]henever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it...

    Of course, in practice, we don't adhere all that strictly to republicanism (i.e. our Constitution), but it's nonetheless better (owing to the fact that the Constitution was well-written, even if some very minor parts of it [which does not include the Second Amendment] are obsolete, such as how much land is to be set aside in Washington D.C. on which the federal government is to operate) than a democracy in terms of preserving liberties said to be given by God to individuals.

    There are, however, still major problems with America.  The founding fathers didn't like democracy because they felt that tyranny by majority was no better than tyranny imposed by a single individual.  In other words, one system of government is no better or only little better than another system of government if the result is essentially the same.  Even under republicanism, we still have problems similar to those of monarchies: hegemony-based foreign policy, domestic tyranny (COINTELPRO, for example, serving little purpose other than "excit[ing] domestic insurrections amongst us," which was one of the complaints made in the Declaration of Independence against the King of Britain), a severe lack of transparency in government, secret plots that undermine or are at odds with written laws or the public will, etc. There is much to complain about and little to be proud of, but that's how most countries are.  Democracy and Republicanism are easily corrupted and usually are, so they are ***.  They differ from monarchy in the sense that cat *** differs from elephant ***.  They're both ***, but yet still different on some levels.

  • SGTBilko
    1,686 Posts
    Fri, Oct 1 2010 8:06 PM

    Very nicely summarized. Agree, America is by far not a perfect country at all, still I love it and call it home. Not taking anything from anyone else. The founding fathers believed in a decentralized govt and yes we have strayed from that and that is why we have a lot of the problems we have. They believed that rights come from our creator and they are inalienable and cannot be given to us from a government. They were very wise men and we need to follow our constitution. I have no problem with adding stuff but not through judicial fiat but rather in accordance with Article V of the constitution. So in short chips the reason I oppose progressives is they have used activist judges to deem the founders intent, our constitution was never designed to be changed that way.