SGTBilko: An interesting point that many on the left like to relate conservatives to nazism but that is not true. This actually started during a debate in the 70's. Most true historian will tell you that the German Conservatives opposed Hitler.
Sgt, amazing that this could be in anyones thought process. THE CONSERVATIVES brought him to power, the German people, all of them, conservative, liberal but not the communists. Wonder why the commies were against him. You think they knew something the other Germans did not know or understand. Silly to think Chamberlain had anything to do with Hitlers running over Europe. You could not stop Hitler. He was a man driven to rule the world, and a small time politician like Chamberlain had nothing to do with Hitler executing his plan for world rule.
One last thing (I hope so), at this time you do not live in a democracy, a republic or anything related to freedom. You live in a country that MONEY rules. By a 5-4 decision the supreme court ruled that corporations have as much right as the individual citizen. With that ruling, and you will see in the upcoming elections, people like rupert murdoch, goldman sachs, insurance companies etc etc etc, will put enough money into the system so that they will CONTROL the congress, the presidency and maybe even the alderman in your local city. I will say only one thing about that ruling of the supreme court. The 5 votes came from the conservatives on the court, and as a constitutionilist, I am sure that will make you very happy