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R1 Level 93 Special Edition

rated by 0 users
Fri, Jun 13 2014 6:45 PM (195 replies)
  • bluzgolf
    1,077 Posts
    Mon, Jun 9 2014 8:09 AM

    Hmmm, played a game yesterday where my level 98 R1 out drove a level 93 R1 by 16 yards.  Must be a glitch.  Could have nothing to do with hitting that bump right and getting a kick.

    You keep saying the same thing.  So, it has nothing to do with your ability to hit certain spots accurately, but rather just an equipment glitch.  Interesting, I'm not sure I've ever heard someone discount their own ability before.


    I said it once and say it again.        using the same ball  using the same spin.  The R1 Black will outdrive every driver made in this game.      most of the time by 10/12 yards further  depending on wind.     :)      Hints the fact you have players Level 101 and even higher still using a low level 93 driver when there 10 levels above that.       I mean you they upgrade all there other equipment to the newer stuff.  But why not there driver?   How about because its the best driver in the game.  Made with some sort of Glitch that with certain spins used  during certain winds make it out drive able.   :) 


  • Steven1163
    2,912 Posts
    Mon, Jun 9 2014 9:45 AM

    LMAO're a perfect example of a paranoid conspiracy theorist.....nothing will ever be said here that you will make you change your mind...maybe this is what happened.  While on the way to his office, TD was beamed up by some alien spaceship and they planted a chip in him that when they made the special 93 R1 that it would be controlled by the aliens in an attempt to conquer WGT and make all the bugs disappear.... hmmm.....that sounds more realistic than ANYTHING you have said TD.

    I hope they  find that "chip" in you that's making you so paranoid....but, then again, if they do, then we wont have our daily laugh.


  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Mon, Jun 9 2014 10:01 AM

    Proverbs: When a wise man contends with a fool , they shall have no rest . The moral of the proverb is simple . When you find a fool , leave them one . :-)

  • Steven1163
    2,912 Posts
    Mon, Jun 9 2014 6:27 PM


    Proverbs: When a wise man contends with a fool , they shall have no rest . The moral of the proverb is simple . When you find a fool , leave them one . :-)


    409 Posts
    Tue, Jun 10 2014 4:15 AM

    Yet More and More R1 Black users.       It takes them 2 years to make it from Level 93 to 98 but still they use a Level 93 Driver.    Yet during those 2 years  they upgrade all there other equipment to match there Level.   Just not there driver.     Point Made.  

        Reason......  there scared to dump a driver that outhits all the rest.   

    409 Posts
    Tue, Jun 10 2014 4:19 AM

    Yesterdays skins game proved my point yet again.  I have the SLDR  and Level 81 Nike Balls.  5 pegs of distance.         Opponent has the R1 Black with max balls 4 pegs of distance.   He out drove me every hole  some by more than 10/12 yards.  Yet my ball has more distance.     Go Figure.   And it wasn't even close  some holes he outdrove me by over 16 yards.       Wait let me guess  he landed just right in those fairways on hills and got great kicks.   LMAO     Get Real 

  • jsweetcr
    1,209 Posts
    Tue, Jun 10 2014 6:53 AM

    Because you obviously have no clue how to drive the ball. Just checked driving stats. You miss 1 per 9. Of course someone will out drive you by 16 yards if you land in the rough and they don't

    Still haven't responded to my post as to why the majority of the top players in and around the money list use the Covert and white R1, not black. I love your selective responding.

    Lonnie is right you are fool and we shall have no rest.

    You can keep believing what you like and we will all just know you are wrong. No one discounts that it isn't a great driver, which is why a lot of people picked it up. You laugh about kicks and landing right, making light of it, but in same breath wanna make some comment about some "glitch" with a single driver. Got your tinfoil hat.

    409 Posts
    Tue, Jun 10 2014 7:08 AM

    Jsweet   resorts to name calling  he is a Level 99 TL  with a 56 AVG.  and still uses the Low Level 93 Black Driver.     Point Made Wgt.  Open the driver to all Players at Level 93.   As you can see these Low Avg Players.  Love that driver better than your higher Level created Ones.     Resort to all the name calling you want to Jsweet  I have a few of my own I could call you  with that AVG and stats   some players would say your a Cheat.      :)     As for I me I just say your a POS.  name calling Child.     Who frowns on those for there opinions with childish name calling antics.   I hate to stoop to your level.  Speaking of Level  99 is not bad  Just to bad it took your prolly 3 years to get there from Level 93 where you purchased your Black R1.     :)    Goodluck   

  • jsweetcr
    1,209 Posts
    Tue, Jun 10 2014 7:25 AM

    I called you a anme cuz you already personally attacked me and name called me in a previous post

    No I was 93 in Nov. We had this convo already. Memory seems to be eluding you.

    Its called practice and knowing the game. You can call me all the names you like. Have at it. I certainly don't care what you think about me as we have gotten to this point, nor do I care what anyone on here thinks about me

    As for I me I just say your a POS.

    Feeling is mutual

    I hate to stoop to your level.

    You just did with the above comment. No worries tho, you had already done it Previously

    All the best to you too! Don't hold your breath on that R1. That ship has sailed