No I was 93 in Nov. We had this convo already. Memory seems to be eluding you.Its called practice and knowing the game. You can call me all the names you like. Have at it. I certainly don't care what you think about me as we have gotten to this point, nor do I care what anyone on here thinks about me
So you went from Level 93 Jsweet to Level 99 and only since Last November? So 7 Months to go 6 High 90 Levels?
So then you clearly admit to using the practice Glitch within the game where you can hit shots over and over within a round to purposely gain more XP and compromise the game?
Because I see no XP Boosts Purchased within your profile so there would be no possible way for you to advance that quickly. Hell there is not even any possible way you could play that many rounds that it would take to advance that many Levels within the game that quickly.
So you clearly admit here to cheating a bit using a Glitch found buy Cheating players to advance Levels quickly in hopes of purchasing clubs faster and keeping there teebox still back to cheat things like ready-gos and other big prize tourneys.
Hmmmm I would say that's a story in its own. If I was you I would just hush now Foot has already Been inserted in mouth. However I will give you a chance you respond as to how you were able to advance that many levels so quickly as we both know once you get into the 90s It takes a commitment to keep getting the XP bonus you need to even advance at a descent pace. Please Explain? And truth is always best. :)
So my question to you now is how were you able to go from Level 93 to Level 99 in just 7 months? Without using any XP Boost?
And I will be Honest I don't call hitting 19 shots per hole over and over hitting a flub 20% power shot Practicing. I call it cheating.