TDSLIMIT: So then you clearly admit to using the practice Glitch within the game where you can hit shots over and over within a round to purposely gain more XP and compromise the game?
Just got done scanning my posts. Must have missed where I mentioned any of that. You must not have looked too hard, cuz back in Levels 94 and 95 I did use boosts, so you clearly didn't look very good or it doesn't go back that far.
TDSLIMIT:So my question to you now is how were you able to go from Level 93 to Level 99 in just 7 months? Without using any XP Boost?
Just so you know, and I won't go over your head with all the math you wouldn't understand, it is possible to do those levels in that time. If you are Playing RGs and tourneys and placing top 10 for Diamond, Crystal or Platinum awards, it can be done. Just look at guys like Seb and Fmags. If you play 10 -15 RGs a day, or more, and get the extra XPs for those awards, you can do 10K+ a day in XP. Some simple math. 10k a day by 100 days is over 1 million XPs, which is approximately what it takes to go from 93 to 99. So If I did half of what those guys do, I could get it done in 6-7 months, with a few days to spare.
TDSLIMIT:And I will be Honest I don't call hitting 19 shots per hole over and over hitting a flub 20% power shot Practicing. I call it cheating.
I don't care what you call it nor what you think. I am doing just fine with my game and quite pleased with it. I will gladly play you and turn the chat off so I don't have to listen to the incessant drivel coming out of your mouth. You are arrogant and think you know everything but problem is you don't realize what you truly don't know and you just continue to make statements and assumptions based on how things are in your little box.
Done with you. Someone has to end this tennis match.
Enjoy your SLDR for the next however many levels. I couldn't be bothered to actually look at your profile and see what level you are. I did get a chance to see what all this is about. Shocker, its about YOU. All this blah blah blah is cuz you are upset that you were a tad hasty in selling your gear off and want to get the driver back. Boohoo cry me a river