Why anyone would consider paying & playing in money tournaments, matches, different clubs and balls is beyond me...Over ten months into this game,,,and it is more then obvious that no matter how well you play {all aspects,,,plus meter}, WGT controls the game...Just finished match play at Kiawah,,,with a weaker player,,,and won on the last hole. Now this gentlemen was having a tough time,,,but,,,silly little things kept him in the game,,,shots I've hit hundreds of times,,,not good enough to carry bunkers,,,shots stopping right the fringe,,,,scores of missed putts from within 3 feet,,,and a 3 putt from inside 3 feet,,,much to obvious,,,another aspect,,,,shots to the pin,,,all end up w/yardage,,,in between both wedges? So,,so,,,funky,,,plus much more.