In earlier threads, I have guessed that creating new courses in this
game costs about $300k. People and equipment have to be flown out,
given hotels, meals, rental cars, etc. ($30k), the course has to be
rented, or I would assume, at least, that if you are shooting the
pictures while people are playing, that you still have to pay some sort
of significant fee and that it would cost you extra photoshopping work to remove them ($60k), photos must be arranged and matched with locations, and you have to make note of elevations all over the place ($40k), and then
you have to touch each one of ~25,000 photos per course up in photoshop to erase divots, etc.
($40k), then you have to generate the data that allows the engine
to know where the fairway, rough, etc. is ($40k), and then you have to
make sure the pictures line up correctly with that terrain data and test
the courses ($50k.) There is perhaps some other stuff that I'm
overlooking, so we'll tack on an extra $40k.
As such, it would be nice if you guys didn't make courses simply to add them only for a month, to be later thrown away. I haven't been around enough to see that happen, but I've heard about it and expect that this is quite possibly what will happen with Celtic Manor.
I realize that doing stuff like this keeps people in jobs, but if they're going to be doing work, which we pay for, it would be nice if we could permanently benefit from that work. I wouldn't mind it at all if courses were only available for 9 months out of the year, based on their geographical location (the courses being unavailable during the winter if they are in a location where winters are harsh,) but please try spend money wisely in this regard. No throwing away $300k (or $80k for CTTH courses)!
Now, about the prizes!
Seeing as you guys have made it harder for people to actually put together enough credits to redeem them for gifts, it would be nice to see the price of prizes go down. A legend who shoots a 31 in a post-changes RG, finishing 4th, 5th, or 6th, with 2-3 tour masters above him, would have shot a 28 or so in a pre-changes RG, finishing 2nd or 3rd, with none of those people who are now considered tour masters being above him. You could say that the same amount of money is being won, just because the payout has always been 4,000 and that it is simply being distributed differently, but that's not really true because TM's are mostly just staying buoyant with their credits, not really gaining and accumulating credits, and even if they are accumulating credits, no TM out there is active enough to purchase even the $150 gift certs, which is clear from the earnings leaderboard from last month, so it really comes down to a small group of legends, and as demonstrated, their incomes have dropped.
As we all know, I don't get along with Angeltotti, Iconian, etc., but they do deserve a set of clubs for the effort that they have put into RGs... and I would like to get some myself in 5-6 months! RG players should get rewards too. We should see some of that money back instead of being used to subsidize the monthly CTTH vacation prizes.
RGs are almost pure profit for WGT. You guys take in $50 for each RG, but prizes are rarely attained from accumulated credits. I know Iconian has received a $150 gift certificate, but despite the fact that WGT, over the course of its existence, has probably taken in $750k-1mil from RGs, it has only paid out about $1,500 in prizes from accumulated credits earned in RGs. Payment for the electricity and bandwidth used for those RGs probably accounts for another $50-75k, but we are clearly being used to subsidize other portions of the site, namely the free play and the aforementioned monthly CTTH prizes.
It would be nice to see the prizes in the gift shop have their price
reduced to reflect both the drop in income and a desire to see RG'ers actually win prizes. I think a 50% reduction in prices would be pretty reasonable. This might force you to pay out $50k/yr more in prizes, but it would also make everyone a lot happier and you would make that $50k/yr up easily with increased revenue due to people feeling that they can actually earn something for their effort.