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If to be heard

Sun, Jul 10 2011 4:30 PM (33 replies)
  • Rightin
    1,248 Posts
    Sun, Oct 3 2010 7:04 PM

    Wgt,, it has been another day of woe's,,but not just for me,,,I am legend and now as some would have it be known a god like creature,,,lol

    I have been playing rounds with many different tier players,,mainly master and tour masters,, but there have been also tour pro's in some games played.

    What we are now hearing is a question that needs to be looked at,, why are masters,tour or not, hitting drives 50 yrds farther than there opponents who are also masters, and yet they will have to wait for there level to climb before they will be able to compete fairly against another in there tier,  and then they may not reach this level for months, if to become available to unlock the tools needed to compete against there own tiers opponents, why not unlock as in a pro shop on any golf course does, you can buy whatever suits your need to enjoy the game or look the part.     Locking  equipment is not an answer to fairness as some would have us believe.  

     WGT  It is like this,,some will buy all the tools to play the game,,Hey! they will look the part,,,but for many of them, they lack the skills,,, you can put a Master driver in a hacks hands and that does not make him a master,, for most they will only play worse.   I am not saying anything bad about others playing abilities just stating a fact as in life we do see this.    What I have been seeing more and more is people quitting games because the are just playing there heart out to keep up with another who may be the same tier but has all the equipment to play a better game. I have been moved up in the Sept,2nd changes to a legend,,,I have accepted that fact,,, but still find there are many masters out shooting me,,, I play a longer course,  so to believe I need to play smarter, I do my best,,but yet any one who plays in multi player rounds with or against me that is not a legend, they say they are being penalized because I am in the game, and now they have to play tournament greens,                To many problems Guys,,that need not be.    Where does it end, our does it end.

    I am not trying to cause a problem I am trying to understand the direction you are taking us,,,We need to know this Guys,,,,  Why should we put money towards a new change if it only take away from what we have worked so hard to reach,,, Some people can't afford more than what they already have, that to is understood,,, but yet others    have the money to buy but can't,,,lol   

    I am a Legend as stated earlier,,, there are many players right now who are Master that could become a legend overnight with the right equipment,,,I would love to see more legends coming up,,, As I see and hear them now they are saying why,,, and only because they can't get the tools they need for the job,,,,What is wrong here???

    Locking equipment is going the wrong direction,, I believe.   Input would be good if for everybody to show there concerns,,it would be great for the game and it's future.

    I play real golf,I have worked on a golf course, green speeds do not change for all players in one day, other than the speed in which the grass grows under the condition of the day and weather.   Our greens on WGT change to quick and only to think we should get used to them all, is feeble mindedness,,, at best.   Like I have said I do play real golf.  Weather it matters at all, I do not play against another under different green conditions because of the handicap,, neither should we on this site,,,it only raises the odds of another quitting the game,,, I have been, as many many others have been also locked up or frozen, in the games we play now , and have to stop and restart again,,and at best to finish a game by myself,,under the resume players game.

    Seems we are going backwards guys,,, Unlock equipment in the pro shop,,, make green speeds the same for all,,and then I think we have a pretty good game again,,,just my thoughts.   I hope others feel the same and speak there piece in reference to this.   I believe greens should stay as they are for all the different tiers, there should be different tee's though, that is the good of this all,,and also makes the game fair for all.

  • Naughtyone
    873 Posts
    Sun, Oct 3 2010 8:08 PM

     Hi --"Whiny B.i.t.c.h."  here--LOL........Ken, you make good arguements --but drag it out and make it sound like you're sorry to trouble them.. We got our Legend balls by posting our complaints--and we needed them..

    The field is yet far from level across the board. I totally love this site and most likely will remain no matter which direction it takes.. I'm used to playing by that is..well both.

    No one wants to play with mee--putt my slick greens. You have any clue what it does to a Pro or Master's  "feel" for their own greens after putting on glass?

    We should not have to learn how to putt 4-5 speeds of greens to make this a tough game..It's already tough hitting from the Legend tees--even with our Legend ball..

    This is a Beta version that was meant to adapt and change till it's deemed ready for full version release.

    I submit to you a much easier way to make EVERYONE HAPPY.. Open the pro shop --no blocks or restrictions are needed.

    Use the leveling system to add yards to the clubs as you improve..

    You put an 8 degree Master Driver in a hack's hands and he's still a hack--just driving it 300 yards in the wrong direction..

    Trust mee when I say you will gain in sales--and the cream will still rise to the top--in good players here.

    I've spoken to alot of my friends..No one I talked to is happy with the blocks on equipment and the level system in general.

    Walk in any Pro shop on any course and see if clubs or balls are marked--"Master's Only"... You're not asked what level you are..

    Your money buys anything you can afford..That's the way it should be here.

    Thank you for letting mee vent..

    Mistress Connie..aka..Naughtyone


  • golferfrank63
    187 Posts
    Thu, Jan 27 2011 1:38 PM

    agree green show be the same

  • Noobingalltheway
    222 Posts
    Thu, Jan 27 2011 11:13 PM

    I agree that the Pro shop should be unlocked, however:

    WGT are making too much money out of people like me from having things locked - for instance:

    I bought a Rapture driver when I was Pro - 245 yds

    When I made master I needed something better - the best I had unlocked was another Rapture - 255 yds

    255yds isn't enough to play Bethpage from master tees (or a couple of holes on other courses either) so I needed another new driver!

    Come G10

    Thats an extra $20 earned by WGT from just one person, on one club type just because they won't unlock all clubs at once (and if I ever make Legend tier, I'll need another driver)

    I'm not complaining about spending the money (I wouldn't do it if I felt that way) just stating thats the reason WGT brought in the level locks


  • SkeeterZ71
    171 Posts
    Fri, Jan 28 2011 12:49 AM

    It's about the money. Wgt does not want you to have the best of the clubs right away. Reason is because you won't buy anymore clubs if you had the right to buy whatever you wanted in the first place.

    Under the old system you had these tiers. Hack, Amature, Pro, Master. You could buy things opened to the tier you're in. I waited till I was pro before buying a set of raptures. Then became a master and bought the G10s. That is 2 sets I bought from the old system. I won't buy anymore because i have what I need. Wgt figured that out so they created levels for buying instead of tiers. No telling how many different club sets I would have had to buy under this new system before I would of decided I finally have what I need.

    I'm just glad I made master and bought the clubs before this new system came into place. I saved a bundle :)

  • Juzzzzzz
    1 Posts
    Mon, May 9 2011 5:22 AM

    im a Hack and love this site, was considering paying so i can get more levels and experience, however, after reading all these posts etc im not sure i want to go any further, still mulling over it.!!!!!

  • DarSum
    1,440 Posts
    Mon, May 9 2011 8:04 AM

    Can you imagine the sandbagging that would go on if they unlocked all clubs to everyone?

    Can you imagine how many legends/tourmasters/masters would create new accounts, buy all the best clubs and completely clean house?

    What they need to do is limit the clubs you can buy within your tier. Levels should not matter.

    Let's use drivers for for example: once you become a Master you're limited to the R9 275yrd. Once you make TM you're limited to the R9 280yrd. Once you become Legend your should have NO limits on what you can buy.

    Same scenario for all fairway woods, irons, wedges and putters. WGT should have put a cap on TIERS and what equipment they can buy.

    The problem is what do you do with all the existing players that have already purchased the better equipment?

  • borntobesting
    9,743 Posts
    Mon, May 9 2011 9:58 AM


    Can you imagine the sandbagging that would go on if they unlocked all clubs to everyone?

    Can you imagine how many legends/tourmasters/masters would create new accounts, buy all the best clubs and completely clean house?

    What they need to do is limit the clubs you can buy within your tier. Levels should not matter.

    Let's use drivers for for example: once you become a Master you're limited to the R9 275yrd. Once you make TM you're limited to the R9 280yrd. Once you become Legend your should have NO limits on what you can buy.

    Same scenario for all fairway woods, irons, wedges and putters. WGT should have put a cap on TIERS and what equipment they can buy.

    The problem is what do you do with all the existing players that have already purchased the better equipment?

    Man you got that right. If they unlocked all clubs then they would need to go back to selling clubs based on the tier system. Because as you pointed out if all clubs were unlocked for everyone it would be a sandbaggers heaven.

  • Yappy22
    733 Posts
    Mon, May 9 2011 9:59 AM


    im a Hack and love this site, was considering paying so i can get more levels and experience, however, after reading all these posts etc im not sure i want to go any further, still mulling over it.!!!!!

    Don't think about it to much. The fun part is to keep advancing to see if you can get to be a Legend, then the fun really begins. It's not perfect, not even close but IMO that's what makes it fun. Buy the best equipment you can afford and hit em straight. GOOD LUCK...!!!!!

  • TarheelsRule
    5,583 Posts
    Mon, May 9 2011 10:03 AM

    I have given thought to stuff being unlocked by level versus tier and have mixed thoughts.  What I do realize though is that by tying the unlocking of equipment to points that are earned by playing, it makes for more play which is the goal of WGT.  More play, more balls, more of everything so I doubt the system will change.