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CC vs CC

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Wed, Jul 16 2014 2:20 AM (2 replies)
  • onebamf
    241 Posts
    Mon, Jul 7 2014 12:30 AM

    we are small teaching club with muti tier players looking for muti tier clubs for CC vs CC anyone or any clubs that would like a challenge and see how your club matches up in live contest feel free to let me know and format does not matter.

     if you are new, and looking to join a CC geared more around teaching, than mandatory play rules most clubs have. feel free to contact me. 

  • mufcmikecox
    919 Posts
    Mon, Jul 7 2014 4:34 AM

    get in touch with greenmanfromg  to arrange a match

  • lexmarkz33
    8,662 Posts
    Wed, Jul 16 2014 2:20 AM

    I am looking for clubs who are interested in interactive LIVE PLAY (on the same course...same same day.....same time). The WGT tournament format (playing alone) are not real tournaments!

    #1. Are your tournaments LIVE PLAY....with REAL LIVE competition? (The World Clock is useful to get all countries on the same course, same time, at the same time).

    #2. Are there REAL purses (credits) involved? (a few credit Sponsor can create a sizable purse)

    Our club already have these features and are interested in expanding them to CC vs CC competition. If interested....I would be happy to help organize the format. Hit me back!

    "Play for CREDITS Country Club"

    Owner: Lexmarkz33 (Bill)