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*** Changes from 7/9/14 downtime ***

Fri, Jul 11 2014 6:05 PM (46 replies)
  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Wed, Jul 9 2014 1:19 PM

    Hi guys,

    I passed out early last night, so I missed posting the announcement. Please blame andyson for it. He has earned it :)

    Here are the new additions from last night's downtime. As always, please report bugs via right click from the game window and anything else right here.

    • 9 Hole speed bracket is now called Play9. We even have a new ball for it
    • I was told there are some match play and alt shot disconnect improvements. Please report if you notice anything good or bad or just come here and say hi


  • opyeuclid
    6,710 Posts
    Wed, Jul 9 2014 1:33 PM


  • 15kenneth
    601 Posts
    Wed, Jul 9 2014 1:39 PM



  • DAZZA501
    5,972 Posts
    Wed, Jul 9 2014 1:47 PM

    Icon. That ball looks awful. Why did you lot even bother?

  • SPINO1
    5,394 Posts
    Wed, Jul 9 2014 1:58 PM

    Without trying to sound rude Icon , wtf is the point of that ball...who came up one morning and thought , UREKA !! I've got it Chad  !!!  is he high fiving as we speak ?

    ....Unlikely id say.

    WGT would make some serious moola if you had balls with National Flags on them, especially if they were a little better than the free ones, some thing similar to the level 48 nike or even lvl 33 cally. 


  • CanineSupervisor
    1,882 Posts
    Wed, Jul 9 2014 2:10 PM


  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Wed, Jul 9 2014 2:13 PM


    Hi guys,

    I passed out early last night, so I missed posting the announcement

    LMAO......sorta tells a story....

    Getting a P45 if,  in my employ ( when u sober up )  :)))

    Akin to ..

    Icon " Sorry Judge, I was blitzed last night / too tired to care , any chance of putting this case off till tomorrow ? heads still a bit fuzzy "

    Judge " Well I wish Ic,   but your erstwhile murdering  client has just been released on his own recognizance for lack of council ! ! "



  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Wed, Jul 9 2014 2:13 PM

    yellow callaways were intoduced so please, please & pretty please Introduce these please, similar attributes to the level 48, $6.50 RZN Nikes, 5 distance, 3.5 spin but with a new 4 meter speed i would buy them all day long even with a $7.50 price tag (you will make a $1 a sleeve)  you all ready have the tech to make any ball so national flags is good idea:

  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Wed, Jul 9 2014 2:14 PM


    Hi guys,

    I passed out early last night, so I missed posting the announcement. Please blame andyson for it. He has earned it :)

    Here are the new additions from last night's downtime. As always, please report bugs via right click from the game window and anything else right here.


    • 9 Hole speed bracket is now called Play9. We even have a new ball for it
    • I was told there are some match play and alt shot disconnect improvements. Please report if you notice anything good or bad or just come here and say hi



    I thought that having everyone update their flash player and changes made to the putting grid last month , was supposed to have fixed those issues . According to last months update , the reason for the  disconnects was a flash issue and older computers . So what gives ? 


  • WGTdbloshoe
    2,840 Posts
    Wed, Jul 9 2014 2:17 PM



    Hi guys,

    I passed out early last night, so I missed posting the announcement. Please blame andyson for it. He has earned it :)

    Here are the new additions from last night's downtime. As always, please report bugs via right click from the game window and anything else right here.


    • 9 Hole speed bracket is now called Play9. We even have a new ball for it
    • I was told there are some match play and alt shot disconnect improvements. Please report if you notice anything good or bad or just come here and say hi



    I thought that having everyone update their flash player and changes made to the putting grid last month , was supposed to have fixed those issues . According to last months update , the reason for the  disconnects was a flash issue and older computers . So what gives ? 


    There is never one exact fix for everything.  As they receive more bug reports they find other things that they can improve.


    - WGTdbloshoe