Sid, those are only a couple of bugs in this game. The one word no one at WGT thought of when writing this code was "CONSISTENCY! CONSISTENCY! CONSISTENCY!". You take a 175 yd tee shot with an 8 - 10 mph wind directly at your back, hit the ding, and have it end up only 159 yds down the fairway one time, then hit Restart and get the exact same conditions, exact same hole, exact same club, hit the ding again and the ball sails long and rolls for 220 yds. Or, you can have 15 mph side wind from your left so you aim 10 yds left of the entire green and more than 30 yds left of the hole placement, just miss the ding to the right of the bar by one pixel width and your shot sails 20 yds RIGHT of the entire green! In reality, that shot should land left of the hole, and on the green.
Then there are the phantom breaks that occur from out of the blue on the greens that "just happen" to coincide with the camera changing views to deny you the opportunity to screen capture this flaw. I'm a damn good putter, so I know when I've hit the line perfectly and have the speed perfect as well. I always view my putts from reverse angle, behind the hole. The putt will roll along the line I've taken, get at least 3/4's of the way to the hole, and I can tell it's a good putt and will probably go in, then, SHAZAM! the camera changes to one of the overhead cameras 40 yds. down the fairway to ruin my view of the rest of the putt and, like I said, prevent me from screen capturing the point where the phantom break that was never indicated by the aiming dots throws the putt off just enough to ruin the shot. As soon as the camera changes views on me I know I've been screwed once again. You hit REPLAY SHOT and the reverse view from behind the hole is not one of the camera options to view the replay. Why the HELL not?! The view was working during most of the shot when it was made in real time. You can't tell me WGT doesn't have the ability to offer that camera view for replay. It's pure, unadulterated BULLSH*T! It's probably to get you to waste more money by burning up the life of your balls faster by making you take more shots than you needed to so you have to buy more balls sooner than you should have to.
And finally, the video driver controlling entering text into these forums and even logging in is just plain garbage. I can't count the number of times I've had to re-enter my log-in info because the damn interface can't handle anyone typing at a normal typing speed and leaves out several letters. Just in this post alone I've had to backspace about 50 times to re-type words the program was too slow to catch. You would think if you were charging people actual money to play (and a lot of people do pay money) you would go to any length to ensure the product you were selling was free of errors and possessed a seamless interface.