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OCGL Country Club / Ladder

Sat, Jul 26 2014 11:38 AM (1 replies)
  • anewlife6189
    59 Posts
    Thu, Jul 10 2014 2:01 PM

    We are a friendly, active and well organised WGT ladder league. Feel free to check our wgt ladder website. It is important to point out that OCGL is strictly a WGT ladder/league operated on Case's ladder/MyLeague. OCGL is a well organized WGT Ladder and is not just open to Canada, we welcome WGT players from all over the globe!

    Associated with OCGL is OCGL's  WGT Country Club on WGT.  Here about 40 members of our WGT Ladder play both free and credit tournaments and Bracket play. You are welcome to join this Country Club or just stay in your own CC and play the WGT ladder with us.

    One of the unique features of OCGL is we exclusively operate with TeamSpeak3. TS3 is live chat very similar to Skype but more geared for gaming, and its free! Over on the left hand side you will find a link for TS3 setup and download information.  This adds a very unique experience to WGT golf and WGT Ladder games and Tournaments.

    Here on this site our members have the opportunity to post photos related to the WGT game or whatever your heart desires. OCGL also host's daily tournaments, monthly WGT ladder championships and Major tournaments held pretty much in conjunction with the pro's. OCGL does have an active YouTube channel which we gather the best shots from the WGT ladder league and upload them for everyone to see.

    The site is for the exclusive use of our members, however we encourage guests to visit. We consider our WGT Ladder the best out there to play the game of golf and meet new and exciting people.  We are currently accepting new members and if you wish to enroll please fill out an application and we will get you started.

  • Elbirdo
    214 Posts
    Sat, Jul 26 2014 11:38 AM

    Very nice copy and pate