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Sat, Sep 13 2014 1:47 AM (181 replies)
  • poldimaier
    2,346 Posts
    Mon, Jul 28 2014 5:17 AM

    if you Want to Win here go right yourself a cheat program that works.  And you will be in the hunt man this whole world of internet is a cheat.  You just need to get with the program. or *** away. I wonder if Poldimaier, Wrote his cheat program or just bought it. or got it from all the other cheaters. or took lessons with a real pro .     Everyone in the the world just needs to shut up and worry about there own life and circle not everyone else's. My God you think your Whiny ASS is going to change the world. REALLY. I think we should Shut the F  u ck up and go back to the good days when some moron didn't have a voice!!!!!!!!!! TY DOUGSDA the only guy that has 1 account and real Stats from the start. 

    Hey Doug,

    thank you very much! To be called a cheat-program-user on WGT means, that you have reached the highest level of performance. Almost all top players have been accused for cheating and now it´s my turn.......and i will react once.

    I´ll try to make it simple:

    There are about 100 top players on player for me means, able to play -18 and steady under 60/30.

    There are two categories of top players, the quantity-players and the quality-players. The quantity-players do many rounds and utilize the awareness of every single shot to define the exact length of a shot (in this case it´s more a memory-game). The other category - the quality players - evaluated the formulary underlying this game and are able to calculate every single shot exactly to the pin.

    The advantage of the formula players is, to be independent from the tees.....there are no unknown shots for these players, cause the formulas always work.

    I´m a formula-player, which was my advantage at Transamerica´s second round. Although the round was from blue tees - and i never play from these tees - my formulary worked as it always does.

    Is the formulary a mysterious secret? No it´s not, but it´s a pile of work to figure it many hours have you spent on WGT with paper and pen, trying to groove your game, Doug?

    The cheat program:

    Ok Doug.......we have 100 players, who are all able to calculate the approach shots within 1yrd.........100 players, who are almost 100% of their shots pinhigh. To reach the "pinhigh-level" you don´t need a cheat-program, just some brain and ambition.....well, you could create an excel file with the formulary but it´s only elementary school math and if you are able to figure them out you are also able to calculate the length in your head. (the same applies for putting  - all those 100 players know how to read the line and adjust the perfect strength to keep the ball on this line).

    btw.......cause meanwhile my formulary is 99% perfect (just one unsolved mystery left - long downhill shots with headwind) I don´t change my ball/club combination reason for me to start again with the formulas.

    Back on topic..........when you have a look at all the tournaments on WGT, you will see, that top players rotate in winning day player X wins with 54, the next day player Y wins with 55 and then player Z with 53..........IF there would be a cheat program, there would be only one player (the CHEATER!) to win them all. I´m not talking about the ridicolous idea of a completely autonomous playing program, just a program, which gives you 100% dinged shots.........a player, who is able to calculate every shot within 1yrd and has a 100% dingrate is definitely invincible.........but there is no invincible player on WGT - not even dansamcam, by far the best player on WGT is invincible....not at all. Doug says "All those players on the top are cheaters!".........which means, that either all players are able to write their own cheat program (well, I´m Investmentbanker - don´t know whether all the others are programers).......or we are a conspired community in the community (kinda WGT Illuminati).......and give the mysterious program from generation to generation and determine the winners of tournaments in our conventicle.

    I worked hard for almost four years to reach my designated target - winning a big tourney -  but like all wins among these highly talented 100 top players, it was a mixture of ambition, talent, understanding, a calm meter, LUCK and steel nervs ,-)

    I´m still very very happy about my VUSO win.........cause it showed that all the work payed off.

    Don´t waste your energy on accusing other players for their success, Doug...........try to improve your own game and if you don´t have the ability to do so..........accept, that you are just a mean player.



    PS: Multiaccounters...........just allow players to sign up on WGT with their real i did.




  • claremoreblue
    2,322 Posts
    Mon, Jul 28 2014 10:45 AM

    Gratz on your win Poldi, well done sir!

  • russellfahey
    4,286 Posts
    Mon, Jul 28 2014 11:06 AM

    1ST off congrats on your win Poldi.Secondly i personally feel there was no need for you to reply to the accuser,we all know your 1 of WGT'S Elite players and your win was deserved(admittedly i was hoping my mate Ally would win it lol) And like Bags said the accuser had crossed the line!!

     Everyone has different reasons for playing this game,me personally i treat it as a game and try and have fun.The reason i wont get anywhere near the top of this game is because i don't take notes,use shot pal/putter pal(very rarely),i play by memory/experience and feel.I certainly don't begrudge anyone who does put the time and effort in with spreadsheets and the like.Oh yes and the fact i miss way to many putts lol.

     I can tell your an investment Banker,because you used the word ''mean'' instead of average lol.


  • kirky67
    114 Posts
    Mon, Jul 28 2014 11:48 AM

    when all is said an done this is a computer game (a very good one) an like all games there will be the elite players who are always going to contest top spot.cheats multi accounters etc mean nothing to me as I don't let them affect my enjoyment playing the game.treat it for what it is a game which I have spent a lot of time and money on and enjoy playing with friends and players of similar ability to me and stop knocking the top players just because they can reach the heights you never will

  • AgentBrown123
    907 Posts
    Mon, Jul 28 2014 12:03 PM

    You couldn't have said it better Poldi, you are spot on with everything you said.

    Players like Doug don't put in the work, and they think just because they can't accomplish those scores, it isn't possible to shoot them. It makes me laugh. You see these kind posts at least a couple times a month. Sorry you were the subject this time, but when you're playing the way you are right now, it's bound to happen. Anyone who knows how to play this game well knows you don't cheat. So congrats on your win, you deserve it. Don't pay attention to the people who want to take away from what you accomplished. They are just jealous. Every year, the person who wins the VUSO seems to be accused of cheating, it's nothing new.

    Also just wanted to respond to your assessment about the different type of players. I think there is one more besides the quantity and quality player. I believe there is a hybrid player. One who does a bit off both with a very optimized putting ritual and formula.

    I would say I'm one of those. I don't have a spread sheet taking in every shot distance and taking account of how far each shot went per particular hole and I don't have a very fine tuned equation for my approach shots and wind either. It's very basic. I find on some holes my equation works and on some holes I have to rely on a few notes I've taken or rely on my memory as I don't write everything down. That's partly why my 2nd round at the transamerica wasn't so great. I had to rely on my equation on all my shots and I don't have %100 percent confidence in it. But the the meter wasn't great either and the putting suffered because of that. My putting is what typically saves me, but I put some approaches in very bad spots.

    Congrats on your recent accomplishments Poldi. It's nice when the work finally pays off. It certainly has for you.

  • SafeBetAmy
    526 Posts
    Mon, Jul 28 2014 1:01 PM


    The Truth is the Truth no matter how you shoot it !!!!!!




    I am VERY tempted to tell you to shove a sock in it (and your putter where the sun don't shine), but I won't because that would be very rude of me....  LOL


    Anyways... I am honored (and darn lucky) to belong to a WGT Country Club which probably has over a dozen of the people you have either directly accused (Hi! Poldi!!!!  ::waves::) or implied are somehow cheaters  (Hi! [insert list of most of my CC]!!!!  ::waves::).  

    These "cheaters", which you have tacitly accused of just being here to rip people off, have ALL been NOTHING but super helpful mentors and friends.  They ALL go WAY the heck out of their way to share tips, coach, mentor and teach.  They ALL cheer you on when you do good (as well as razz the crap out of you when you don't).   Many of them, in conjunction with/in memory of our buddy legendCrusher (RIP with love) also donate and mentor new none club members and even donate equipment to them) 

    They are nothing but players who are better than you and, certainly, WAY better than me, dude... the difference is I'm not looking for an excuse for my skill level, you obviously are (and in my case, will ever be!) 

    So Dougie, congratulations!  You might not have won the VUSO, but I am awarding you with this very special sportsmanship award:




    P.S.  Poldi, I know I told you before, but YOU DONE GOOOOOOD, dude!  LOL

  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Mon, Jul 28 2014 2:09 PM


    if you Want to Win here go right yourself a cheat program that works.  

    Shut the F uck up

    TY DOUGSDA the only guy that has 1 account and real Stats from the start.

    Me thinks you should do a little research on "encryption", best programmers would need the key which probably 2 people in the world have to right write one...

    I guarantee you "good old Joe" the mod who got mad and quit didn't have it to pass out if he ever existed...

    OR take your own advice....

    TY FATDAN, the 2nd only guy that has 1 account and almost but not quite real stats...


  • rollone
    781 Posts
    Mon, Jul 28 2014 3:47 PM

    Congrats Poldi! Great win!

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Mon, Jul 28 2014 4:21 PM

    I´ll try to make it simple:

    Never met, talked or played with this guy...but love the truth.

    There's a reason why we never hear nonsense about VEM or manipulation from players of this calibre.

    Got it yet?

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Mon, Jul 28 2014 4:40 PM

    There's a reason why we never hear nonsense about VEM or manipulation from players of this calibre.

    Can't say that enough. Poldi's post should be required reading.