I also have problems with YourSurveys, taken from the "Take Surveys" button.
It alwys brings you to this page: http://www.your-surveys.com/routing.
It says: "Please fill out your email address so we recognize you for future visits; Your Surveys will never email you."
After fillingout my email adress, i click the "Continue" button.
But nothing never happens, it stays on this page, no message, no error, nothing...
WGT dbloshoe, i can agree with you about problems when we don't get credits after filling the survey, and that it must be between the member and the survey provider.
But what about when it happens before? You give access to them, and WGT is probably rewarded for that. As a service, you must be sure that its access is available to anyone here before. You can't say "that's not our problem" while you take profit.
You must support your members, and give them the best. You can't just give an answer that seems to be "we don't care", you also have to ask these providers why, as members have to.