THUNDERTOM:When are you finally going to listen to us
If you think someone is "cheating" (multi or whatever), just report them using the customer support. Shoe is pretty good about looking into those reported. But, you have to remember that they won't just remove an account because someone "thinks" a player is not legit. Also, Shoe addressed this issue last week in another thread. He said that they leave suspected accounts on the leader boards until after the tourney is over (to stop the player from just creating a new account and jumping right back in). Once the tourney is over, those players are then removed from the leader board and WGT. At least that is how I understood Shoe's post. When the tourney is over, just check the leader board again (but wait until after the payout period, not the minute it's over. If they got paid, they must be legit).
Even though players see that outrageous score (not sure which tourney you are speaking of), and think it would be a waste of time to even try, they should still attempt to place in it. You never know.