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Question on Ball Compression

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Tue, Sep 29 2015 5:43 AM (34 replies)
  • ShadyShank
    629 Posts
    Wed, Jul 23 2014 12:06 PM

    BTW, Andy. I'm LMFAO! That's hilfknlarious!

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Wed, Jul 23 2014 12:19 PM

    Done to death I guess but anyway:


    The "one ball condition" requires the player to use the exact same brand and type of ball throughout the round. For example, if you tee off the first hole with a Titleist Pro V1x, then that's what you must play throughout the round. You may not switch to any other brand of ball, nor even to any other type of Titleist ball. You started with the Pro V1x, so the Pro V1x is what you must use on every stroke.

    It is emphatic.

    I do not see the issue at all.  Think of it maybe that when out on course you only have one type of ball with you the as other's are at home.  I am thinking I agree with several in saying maybe it is time for WGT to dispense with the starter ball allowance, and if run out then end of round.  Sorry but there is no other angle on the rule.

    Practice rounds well possibly if any one really cares...Crystal clear surely??

  • ljbast
    943 Posts
    Wed, Jul 23 2014 12:39 PM

      We're  just lucky Wgt doesn't give us this ball as the default.


  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Jul 23 2014 1:01 PM

    If you have balls with the exact same specifications, and even cost the same, except for the added 25 for the pretty stuff, they are the same damn ball.

    This is exactly what you need to get through your head-they are not the same ball if the price or color is different. This is a golf simulation based on math. Everything is number related. Every single piece of equipment has it's own number identity so it fits into the equations. Figure it out.

    YankeeJim, sometimes I can't tell if you're just fkin with me

    You don't need my help with that, we aren't on the same page. You've taken it to headache level.

  • ShadyShank
    629 Posts
    Wed, Jul 23 2014 8:56 PM

    Well, it's obvious I'm well outnumbered, and not doing a very good job explaining myself. I will try one last example and then let it go. Mind you, this never was a factor until the yellow 39+ Callaway's came on the scene.

    All I'm really saying is if you buy 3 yellow 39+ Callaway's & 3 white 39+ Callaway's, the color does not make them perform differently. This is, after all, wgt's reasoning, and a good one, for not allowing players to switch balls mid-round to better play the conditions. But, if I put my 3 yellow balls in the drink, if ever there was a situation where placing the white 39+ ball in play would not be an advantage to the player, it is this example.

    And I'm sorry but I must say again, I have seen absolutely no difference in the performance between the 39+ Callaway and the 35+ Callaway which have the very same ratings in every category. The only reason the 39's cost a bit more is the Vapor trail. And I truly hope no one is saying that the vapor trail adds any advantage at all? If wgt is going to sell the same brand balls with the exact same ratings, I simply will never be able to get my brain around how one of those balls plays differently & better on any given course. And comparing the yellow 39's to the white 39's is a far cry from comparing one of them to a Nike Pro VI.

    If anything, they should do what they have always done and change a rating in one of the balls by .5. Then they are no longer the same brand with the same specs. I ask any of you to try all 3 balls and please let me know if you find any differences? I may not sound like it, but I do at least know that some who have weighed in know plenty more than I. Especially that mad scientist, Jimbog.

    Soon as I collect my next round of winnings in the brackets, I will be happy to gift anyone willing to try this, 2 of the 3 sleeves being discussed. I'd really like both Jim's to try it & then report their true findings. I can't help it that I'm a stickler for details and have a hard time letting something rest without getting a satisfactory reason for why it is the way it is. And I realize many of you have, in your own way, tried helping me get it. But, when something makes no sense to me, if I am wrong in the end, it can take a while b4 an explanation is given that clears it up for me.

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Wed, Jul 23 2014 9:10 PM

    I'd really like both Jim's to try it & then report their true findings. I can't help it that I'm a stickler for details


    No one is saying there is a performance difference.

    What everyone is trying to explain to you, is that a Yellow ball is not a White ball.


    A was mentioned earlier in this thread, this holds true for many of the WGT balls that have 4 or 5 different colors...a red ball is not a Green ball is not a Blue ball...etc.


    You mentioned you are a stickler for details...those are details-the difference in color and cost as well.


    I think everyone understands where you are coming from, and no one is disagreeing with you on the balls performance, but you simply (because you don't want to) will not accept the fact that a Yellow ball is different than a White ball in the eyes of WGT.


    All everyone here is trying to do, is convince you of such.


    Honestly, you really should be arguing this via WGT customer support, but we as players who understand WGT's stance on this, accept it and play (as a third person) should be pleading your case to WGT, as rarely (we players know this) will a change ever be made via a forum discussion.


    Best of luck in your quest...and buy balls when needed:)

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Wed, Jul 23 2014 9:29 PM

    Really as a second.  People do understand your view point.  WGT take the stance to use the USGA one ball rule, and yellow is different per that rule.  

    WGT could change it but like the USGA they impose it, and players here are generally fine with that. I leave the starter rock ball confusion to one side.

    The rules are clear that any difference makes the change impossible.  Changes are limited to any possible difference including type (type includes colour).  The USGA I guarantee will confirm that if they speak to you (no offense as I expect they might tell me to bog off too).  Looking around the web though it is applied very strictly e.g. exact same, no ifs buts maybe on anything.

    If you think WGT should stop following the USGA then fair enough that is your point of view, and entitled to it.  I am in the camp that is happy enough with it as it stands.

  • ShadyShank
    629 Posts
    Wed, Jul 23 2014 9:30 PM

    I think everyone understands where you are coming from, and no one is disagreeing with you on the balls performance, but you simply (because you don't want to) will not accept the fact that a Yellow ball is different than a White ball in the eyes of WGT.

    Okay. Now this is all I've been looking for. If it was mentioned that wgt considers a yellow 39 to be different than a white 39, I must have either misread it or misunderstood their meaning. It really got confusing for me when someone cited the USGA rule, which wgt tries to go by, saying a different color ball with the same specs is perfectly allowed. Not here, of course.

    But, I've had discussions with them on this and the person I spoke with kept referring to USGA rules to make their point, but this is the one rule wgt has that isn't the same as the USGA. Now all I'm doing is confusing it more so I'll finish by saying I know they have no intention of changing the one ball rule. I made the point about the Callaway's hoping that some wgt employee would see the common sense of it, that's honestly why I brought it up again.

  • ShadyShank
    629 Posts
    Wed, Jul 23 2014 9:34 PM

    P.S. you're correct on one thing for certain. I will never accept that two golf balls with the same levels and same specs across the board, will in any way create an advantage for a player if they switched from yellow to white mid-round. That is true...

  • ShadyShank
    629 Posts
    Wed, Jul 23 2014 9:39 PM

    Jim, I said I was letting this go and I am, but I was under the impression that the post, I believe you made, stated that a PGA golfer could play with an assortment of diff colored balls as long as they were the same brand with the same compression and specs. This is probably where much of my confusion stemmed from on the topic.

    Thanks as always, Jim. And hey, 1.92 points to drop to get my L thanks to yours and YankeeJims advice. Thx for that as well.