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Question on Ball Compression

rated by 0 users
Tue, Sep 29 2015 5:43 AM (34 replies)
  • alosso
    21,092 Posts
    Tue, Jul 22 2014 7:59 AM

    That movie certainly played in WGTland, not IRL.

    Remember VEM? Rising when you're playing well, dropping when the game goes South? After five in the water it must be almost zero, then hit the ding for a crisp 3WD shot with full BS, it will stop on the dime and trickle in.

    But wait - that was before WGT - they took it from Roy!

  • ljbast
    943 Posts
    Tue, Jul 22 2014 12:28 PM

      Why is the thread titled ball compression ?  This is bugging me

  • ShadyShank
    629 Posts
    Tue, Jul 22 2014 5:43 PM

    Why is the thread titled ball compression ?  This is bugging me

    Compression is what the USGA uses to rate whether golf balls are to be considered as the same or not to be. Compression in a golf ball is what makes it harder or softer, have more or less spin, etc. Pro golfers playing in PGA event's, must play the entire round with balls of the same compression.

    Some here, like myself, choose to use the word compression to describe all of the ratings of the balls here at wgt.

    Which is why I asked the question, because regardless of what one or two have said, the yellow Callaways which are Lv 39+ and Vapor balls have all the same ratings as the white Lv 39+ Callaway and the white Lv 35+ Callaway. If WGT says these balls are actually different in ratings then they should post the actual ratings of each ball correctly.

    I've hit the yellow & white 39+ & the white 35+ which are all rated 4 Distance, 2.5 Spin, 2.5 Durability, & 2.5 meter speed. I'd love for the smart asses here to explain to all of us how these balls play any differently from each other, instead of pissing and moaning, or just trying to trash me.

    So far, no one has offered any reasoning as to how these balls are different, other than color, and that was sorted out by another player, and thank you by the way. I try not to be a jerk on forums and I know it's hard not to do sometimes, but at least I left the remark alone, on the color of the ball making a difference.

    And, this 25 cents or $25 thing is absolutely ridiculous. If those who have made comments on it truly believe that I'm stupid enough to think I'm spending from $300-$600 Dollars US on a sleeve of balls here, it shows a lot more of their lack of intellect than it ever will mine.

    It goes right in hand with pointing out a spelling or grammar mistake and getting a laugh from it. But, I understand, the internet, especially forums and blogs, are full of immature jerks who try to build their self-esteem by chopping at others. It doesn't work on me, but I feel badly for the people it does affect. So keep chopping away and never providing anything useful to the discussion, it's such a big help for newer players especially.

  • jeffdos924
    1,085 Posts
    Tue, Jul 22 2014 7:51 PM

    So far, no one has offered any reasoning as to how these balls are different

     You said it yourself, shady....

    I've hit the yellow & white 39+ & the white 35+

      3 different balls. Yes, same attributes, but still 3 totally different items in the pro shop.  You either but the 39+ in white OR yellow. Heck, most of the lesser balls in the pro come in a ton of colors but again, you buy them in white OR yellow OR blue, etc. All the exact same ball outside of the colors.

     Nobody likes to run out of their Nikes or whatever and have to finish with starter balls. IF you were the only person this happened to, you'd have a leg to stand on,but everybody plays by the same rules. And like YJ said ... you get a notification that you are on your last ball of that certain type... up to the player whether they buy now or risk finishing with the starter balls.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Jul 23 2014 5:11 AM

    So far, no one has offered any reasoning as to how these balls are different

    Yes, they have, you just refuse to accept it as a limitation of the game.

    And, this 25 cents or $25 thing is absolutely ridiculous.

    Ya, it was pretty funny the way you laid it out with YOUR comment about a $25 difference in ball cost. Agree, that was ridiculous.

    Some here, like myself, choose to use the word compression to describe all of the ratings of the balls here at wgt.

    Well it doesn't fit.

  • alosso
    21,092 Posts
    Wed, Jul 23 2014 5:26 AM

    Pro golfers playing in PGA event's, must play the entire round with balls of the same compression.
    Me thinks that this doesn't find the depth of the One Ball Rule to be applied in real golf.

    Edit: Instead, it says

    During a stipulated round, the balls a player plays must be of the same brand and model as detailed by a single entry on the current List of Conforming Golf Balls.

  • ShadyShank
    629 Posts
    Wed, Jul 23 2014 11:44 AM

    YankeeJim, sometimes I can't tell if you're just fkin with me or if you really mean what you are saying? I do accept that this is how wgt has decided to handle this specific rule and situation, but no one has explained to me how the same balls with the same specs, and the color or vapor trail doesn't mean a thing, are different?

    As I've said, I've been hitting these for a few weeks now and I can assure you, even those who don't think I know what my clubs are capable of or how to use them, that there is absolutely no noticeable difference in these balls.

    And compression does too fit. wgt rates the distance and spin of every ball and that's what compression alters in golf balls. If you have balls with the exact same specifications, and even cost the same, except for the added 25 for the pretty stuff, they are the same damn ball.

    And I don't care if wgt won't address this, I will continue bringing up anything that I consider to be wrong about the site and the game play. So, y'all can either just stop reading, continue your comments without ever offering a reason other than, wgt won't ever do it, or explain to me like I'm 10 how the balls in question react differently off clubs, have more or less spin than one another, or fly further or shorter?

    If the balls play no differently on any given course, there is no reason at all wgt has to not allow a last vapor ball to be replaced by 6 others that are rated the very same, and give no added benefit to any player if switched mid-round.

    It's not like playing the 1st half of BPB with Callaway 35+ then the last half with Nike 48+. In fact, there is no difference at all between the balls in questrion, and no one has shown there to be no matter what you may say.

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Wed, Jul 23 2014 11:51 AM

    In fact, there is no difference at all between the balls in questrion, and no one has shown there to be no matter what you may say.

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Wed, Jul 23 2014 11:51 AM

    And I don't care if wgt won't address this


    Did you read Alosso's EDIT?


    But let's look at your "compression" point.


    If say IRL, you have a Cally ball and a Nike ball, both lab tested to be exactly the same.

    You enter a "one ball" rule tourney...hit your Cally in the water, reach in, grab your Nike...and play it.


    By your contention, this should be okay?

  • ShadyShank
    629 Posts
    Wed, Jul 23 2014 12:04 PM

    No, of course not, and I don't believe I've ever said anything close to it. I've only spoke of the Callaway balls and the example I gave of switching from a Callaway 35+ to  Nike 48+ , was an example of a case where I could see not allowing it, would be in the spirit of the rule.

    But when you are selling the exact same ball, brand and all, with the only difference being color and a virtual trail, I am having a very hard time understanding how those balls are different, except for the special effects, and how that fits into the spirit of the rule?