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Alt shot tournaments that get finished. Flash Mobs

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Mon, Aug 4 2014 3:49 PM (12 replies)
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  • tubbytubb
    121 Posts
    Sat, Jul 26 2014 7:20 PM

    Howdy,  We have found a way to finish an alt shot tourney in our club.  We call em flash mobs.  We set up a game on Fri. one on Sat. and one on Sunday.  Our club has a designated Web site, with a chat box.  We use to set up the brackets.  Have everyone in the chat box 15 minutes before the start of the tourney, and use a blind draw to pick the teams.  Then set up Challonge for the teams and it should get finished in a couple of hours.  It generates alot of participation in our forums and chat box.  It started when we had a bunch of people in our chat box, and someone said set up an alt tourney.  Just an idea to liven up you CC.  If ya have any questions, post on my wall, and I'll explain more.  I just help the Lady that came up with it, and it's her baby, but its alot of fun and would help some of the larger clubs with participation.


  • tubbytubb
    121 Posts
    Sun, Jul 27 2014 8:39 AM

    you pick the course's on challonge.  And the first person in the group sends an invite on wgt.  You play regular alt shot matches, but just report your scores on Challonge.  Challonge is just a website that makes free brackets.

  • tubbytubb
    121 Posts
    Mon, Jul 28 2014 5:54 AM

    you play the games on wgt, you can set up stroke, mp, alt shot.  Challonge just does the brackets for you.

  • sugahsweet
    159 Posts
    Tue, Jul 29 2014 7:19 PM


    A country club that is wanting to try this FLASH MOB ALT SHOT format with the EAGLE CLUB GOLF ASSOCIATION country club.  This will take place on a Saturday night in the month of August at 8 pm eastern standard time.  Please allow up to 4 hours to complete the tournament.  We will need 8 people from your country club that will commit to this with 2 alternates.  There will be a separate chat box to check in before tee time and to interact with other flash mob participants.  A blind draw will be made for partners in each club and courses will be established.  If you are a country club owner/tournament director and want to try something new please respond below!




  • flogomatic
    65 Posts
    Tue, Jul 29 2014 8:50 PM

    you can play this on wgtls, its called Guilds. Except you play anytime there are other teams/ccs available in the chatroom. Course selection is done by a random generator. Rather than being a knockout format like this your guild gets ranked on a ladder so you move up or down according to the results

  • sugahsweet
    159 Posts
    Sun, Aug 3 2014 9:43 AM


    Thank you for the offer on the guild format!  

    I'm still looking for a country club that is wanting to try this FLASH MOB ALT SHOT format. We have a great time in our country club with this and hoping to pass it on with another club. A great way to have an alt shot tournament in a day.  Please respond below if your club would be interested.


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