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Blitz quitting and suggestion.

rated by 0 users
Thu, Oct 14 2010 4:12 AM (19 replies)
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  • Yoda79
    697 Posts
    Sat, Oct 9 2010 2:57 PM

                    You know. I can't even play a game of blitz without somebody quitting. When I play I like to play with 4 people. I think it makes it that more exciting. But I can't even do that without worrying about somebody quitting because they are 10,000 or more points behind after the 4th challenge hole. Awwwwwwww poor little babys. Do you not know how to mount a comeback? Do you think it's impossible so why even try? If that's you then don't even bother playing. Think about the others that are playing and at least show some respect to the others and take your loss like a man (or woman). So this is what I'm going to start doing. I'm going to make a list of people that quit. And I'm going to keep that list. Then I'm going to their profile page and write on their wall and put "Blitz Quitter" or "Match Play Quitter". Or whatever they just quit. And I'm going to check back every so often and put it again just in case they delete it. Cuz I'm sure they will. Now I realize that won't change anything. But if just one person checks that and decides to not play with that person then I have accomplished what I set out to do.

                     I also realze that sometimes you just have to quit because of a emergency or maybe you have kids that need attending to or whatever. But at least have the courtesy to let the people your playing against know "hey I have to go, I'm sorry". I don't have a problem with that. Kids or whatever are way more important than this game. But when you quit becuase......well....lets be suck.....or just hit a bad shot or so, well that is unacceptable. Yes I'm a little **ssed off. So WGT if that is against some rule I'm not familiar with please let me know. Then I won't do it. But I don't know what else I could do. And I hope somebody or everybody could do the same thing. Ok...I feel better. Sorry for my rant. I generally don't rant because it is just a game but when it affects my game to the point I can't complete it well yeah I have a problem with that.

  • CharlemagneRH
    1,054 Posts
    Sat, Oct 9 2010 3:20 PM

    Calling people out like that is against WGT rules.  You can, however, post their names on WGTLS, which is not affiliated with WGT.

  • Yoda79
    697 Posts
    Sat, Oct 9 2010 3:35 PM

    Well ok then. Thats what I'll do. Thanks for the tip.

    Edit : Ok I just checked that site out. And after further review I don't think that would be the place. So I guess I'm screwed there as well. So I don't know what I could do. I guess nothing. Oh well. Although that is a pretty cool site. Not sure how it works but thats something I would like to be a part of.

  • Crazyman2
    731 Posts
    Sat, Oct 9 2010 3:38 PM

    But it's ok for you Charl to not only call one out  ( a respected player) , but also include it in the title?   (And then change the story to "sarcasm"  when challenged.      Why refer to WGTLS  when you have absolutely no idea  how  they run their site?    Pot- Kettle    hmmm  Let's see what is your next crackpot intrusion into many threads  that you have ruined, with your egotisical attitude.

  • borntobesting
    9,688 Posts
    Sat, Oct 9 2010 4:29 PM

    As far as I know it is not against  WGT rules to post a thing like that on someone's wall or your own wall for that matter. But it is against WGT rules to call people out by name in the forums which you seem to do almost daily.


  • CharlemagneRH
    1,054 Posts
    Sat, Oct 9 2010 5:47 PM




    Your moniker is very appropriate.

  • oneputtdavid
    1,337 Posts
    Sat, Oct 9 2010 6:50 PM

    As far as I know it is not against  WGT rules to post a thing like that on someone's wall or your own wall for that matter. But it is against WGT rules to call people out by name in the forums which you seem to do almost daily.

    Hey Yoda, if you make a list, send via my messages, and I'll do the same for you..David 


  • Yoda79
    697 Posts
    Sat, Oct 9 2010 8:09 PM

    Awesome! I appreciate that dave. Provided WGT doesn't step in and tell me thats a "no no" then thats exactly what I'm going to do. Thats the only thing I can think of to try and stop it. Now I realize that it probably won't do much at all. But it's better than doing nothing and getting locked up in my game because of what I stated above. Hell I just had 2 people quit simoustainley in a blitz game. Its ridiculous. Now again I will state, as long as you say something like "hey I have to go i'm sorry" or just announce it in some form or fashion I don't have a problem with that. The only problem I could see in doing so would be for those of us that don't quit but get booted from the internet unexpectically. Because I certainly wouldn't want to post something on someones wall that didn't deserve it. Hmmmmm. Anybody have any suggestions on how to get by that? I'm up for any suggestions.

    Also for those of us that don't quit we really do have to pull together and try and figure this one out. But please do it without getting inot a war with somebody on here. Don't want this to turn inot WW3. And we all know what I'm talking about. So if you do have idea or would like to add on to my idea or anything this is the thread to do so. Thank you.

  • Yoda79
    697 Posts
    Sat, Oct 9 2010 8:24 PM

    Hey WGT! Is what I'm trying to start against the rules? I'm sure you guys aren't like "yeah thats a great idea". But just would like to know if it's against the rules or not. I'm really not trying to start a war or anything like that but, this quitting is getting really ridiculous and frusterating. I won't start anything without an answer from you guys.

    Also. I'm sure it's been suggested before. But what about this? What if say you had 4 people playing against each other in any type of game. And at some point somebody hits a horrible shot. And they decide to quit. So they go to hit the quit button or whatever it is. And they are stopped. Reason is because ALL the other members first must agree to allow that person to quit. So a box pops up and it says "(insert plyers name here) wants to quit. Yes or no". If that person told everyone "hey I'm sorry but I have to go for whatever reason" then we would all select "Yes" and he goes and no penalty is incurred. But if he just try's to up and quit then we would all select "No" and sure that person could quit but he would incurr a point penalty. Like say 1000 points or 2000 points. Or even a whole level. Something. Now what if half say yes and the other half say no. Ok if thats the case then maybe a lesser penalty like half of what it normally would be if all said no. I don't know. Something.

    What about something like that WGT? Any thoughts? Thank you for your time.

  • Yoda79
    697 Posts
    Sun, Oct 10 2010 2:51 PM

    What does anybody think about this? Any thoughts on what I propose or possibly expand on what I said? I realize this has been talked about to death but trying to put forth another idea and maybe something will come of it.

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