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Crashes With Passes

rated by 0 users
Tue, Feb 17 2015 10:22 AM (53 replies)
  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Sat, Aug 16 2014 7:05 PM


    I quit my CC because WGT is making a killing off of this SCAM.

    You quit your CC because of a pass you get twice a day that doesn't cost anything unless YOU choose to buy one for the whopping price of 37 credits? Really?



    I can only presume that Wgt has decided to give us all Putter/Shot pals because they weren't selling and replacing that with the Pass's    I think it's pretty good thinking by Wgt.

    Anyway back to the Op's subject.....

    After reading this the other day, I was thinking what the...   as I've had no probs before.

    I forgot it takes some time for problem to hit my   Purchased a Pass just earlier and BANG..  on the 5th hole,  game close down,  disco's me and being a bit of a groover in my younger years didn't like the music that was

    Then I remembered this post and started to swear red and  Logged back on...clicked to restart game... right clicked to send a bug report, then I seen the Pass still on screen.

    Didn't lose it, finished game and all was Rosy except for the score I


  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sat, Aug 16 2014 8:53 PM
    Lost a 4th one. As soon as I was asked if I wanted to use a pass, I clicked yes and got the unexpected error message. Got back and it said would you like to use a pass? 4 you owe me WGT.
  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Sun, Aug 17 2014 9:19 AM

    Several of my club members have reported their games crashing on the last hole when using passes. It happened to me today too. Paying for a game that crashes isn't good policy.

    It wouldn't be so bad if you didn't lose the CC Pass and could return to the game.  If the game crashes when you're using the Pass, it's over ... you can't return to the game.  If you start a new game, you no longer have a pass.

    While it is true that the strokes get added to the CC points, you don't get the bonus points for playing a round until the last shot has been taken.  Spend time on an 18 hole game just to have it crash on #18 is frustrating!

    And Shoe ... while WGT's programmers are at it ... the purchase of a CC Pass should not reset the counter for the free pass.  Why buy a pass if you only have 5 or 6 hours to go to get the free one.

    Please get these issues fixed ... I won't be buying any more CC Passes until that clock reset gets fixed!  Why bother?

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sun, Aug 17 2014 9:33 AM
    Well said Kat. I was gifted a load of passes so now I don't get free ones until I've used them all.
  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Sun, Aug 17 2014 10:22 AM


    It wouldn't be so bad if you didn't lose the CC Pass and could return to the game.  If the game crashes when you're using the Pass, it's over ... you can't return to the game.  If you start a new game, you no longer have a pass.

    I thought that would be the case yesterday when I had a crash on the 18th green as I putted out. It was a CC Tourney round and would include my consecutive days bonus XP's. Much to my surprise I was able to return to the game and it didn't lose the Pass. All XP's were added to the CC total. I do know that any practice round that crashes ends up lost but thus far I've only had a Ranked Round crash with a pass and it was able to be continued.

    Now that I think about it, perhaps that was the glitch and it was suppose to lose my round and Pass.

  • ukvermonter
    2,013 Posts
    Sun, Aug 17 2014 11:14 AM

    Thanks WGT just got booted from a alt shot match and lost my free pass and we was leading too lol

  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Sun, Aug 17 2014 11:56 AM


    Thanks WGT just got booted from a alt shot match and lost my free pass and we was leading too lol

    It appears that the best use for the Pass is in a ranked round stroke play game.  If you do a practice round game and it crashes, you don't get any bonus points.

    I tend to play the practice games with the pass because you can add as many points as you can handle by hitting mulligan shots.  But 1 extra point vs. the possibility of losing the bonus XP might not be worth the effort.

    I hope WGT will get this little bug taken care of.  It hurts the CC if you can't add the bonus points as well.


  • rollone
    783 Posts
    Sun, Aug 17 2014 12:19 PM

    While it is true that the strokes get added to the CC points, you don't get the bonus points for playing a round until the last shot has been taken.  Spend time on an 18 hole game just to have it crash on #18 is frustrating!





    YES YES YES.....its happened to me a few im bald

  • MontegoMag
    1,764 Posts
    Sun, Aug 17 2014 3:00 PM

    The fact of the matter remains...we are BUYING passes...and losing them through no fault of our own. And there is NO plan in place to credit points OR cash back to the victim.

    When I buy a ball...and hit it into the water...I go buy more balls. MY bad

    NOT so with passes now. You'll be packing sand up your arses before I buy another one.

    The fact that you haven't suspended pass usage/purchase until you have an emergency update to fix these problems is very bad business. It speaks volumes regarding your greed and disregard for your membership. YOUR BAD!


  • PTrenter
    437 Posts
    Mon, Aug 18 2014 5:02 AM

    I lost a pass yesterday during an alt shot match.  I reported it to WGT who this morning have issued me with an replacement pass.

    If you lose a pass for whatever reason, let them know.