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change owners

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Wed, Aug 20 2014 1:29 AM (5 replies)
  • christeric
    10 Posts
    Mon, Aug 18 2014 12:06 PM

    i belong to a club that has 199 members but the owner is inactive i would like to know how to remove him as the owner an get the club back active, i have messaged him a few times an have had no reply back ....    any help?

  • WGTadmin
    1,166 Posts
    Mon, Aug 18 2014 2:01 PM

    Unfortunately, there is not much we can do from our end other than send the player a private message. We do not disable Clubs for these reasons and it would not be proper to remove the owner form the club and strip their title. I just sent CHIEFBROOM a message asking them to contact you. 

    If he does not get a hold of you, you may just need to create a new club.

  • Beryman
    9,100 Posts
    Mon, Aug 18 2014 2:29 PM

    looks like not only is the owner AWOL, but so is 90% of the club Chris....why not gather the ten or so that are active and start a new club and then begin recruitting

  • bobby58lucas
    164 Posts
    Tue, Aug 19 2014 6:57 AM

    Chris do you have admin rights ? If you do then you can transfer the club into your name. If not, i agree with Berry. Start your own m8 .. i had the same problem all owners went AWOL and i didnt want to see the club fold so i transferred it into my name and now we have a thriving CC luckily i had admin rights.  You will be more than welcome to bring your guys over to Freedom Fields and join us. If not m8 .. go to wix .com make yourself a club website, create a club and off you go. The only down side to owning a club and a website is a lot of hours put in for very little reward. But if it is something you enjoy then go for it . I like Stats and leagues and making website look good for members so the hours are not a problem for me . If you need any advice on website etc, just send me a message and i will do my best to answer it for you 

    good luck 

    Bob     freedomfields

  • stevepsheehan
    2,791 Posts
    Tue, Aug 19 2014 10:30 AM

    We were in exactly the same position as you a couple of months ago. The decision had taken ages to make, but eventually all the regular players, about half the club, all left, and we formed a new CC, UK Golfers Elite 

    Best move we ever made, and the CC is now going from strength to strength.

    Take my advice, and go for it.


  • akone12
    6,913 Posts
    Wed, Aug 20 2014 1:29 AM


    I just sent CHIEFBROOM a message asking them to contact you. 

    If he does not get a hold of you, you may just need to create a new club.

    Hi WGTadmin,

    our club is in the same circumstances but our owner Dean1966 has been missing for nearly 2 months and fear for his well being above anything else but  we can't contact him.

    I have previously contacted WGT customer support several times who have said that they can't help or release any contact details and did ask them to send a message on the club's behalf but said they could not do that either.

    However noticing that you have actually done this above, could I ask you to do the same for our owner too please.

    Knowing that he is well and /or returning or not will help tremendously in getting back to normal at our club.

    Sincere thanks
