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On the fringe...

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Wed, Aug 27 2014 2:00 PM (26 replies)
  • BudSimpson
    3 Posts
    Wed, Aug 20 2014 7:00 PM

    Will you please stop setting the putter strength automatically to 100 when you're on the fringe? It's pretty damn annoying. If I wanted it set to that, I would do it myself!

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Thu, Aug 21 2014 1:02 AM


    Will you please stop setting the putter strength automatically to 100 when you're on the fringe? It's pretty damn annoying. If I wanted it set to that, I would do it myself!

    It's been like that since day dot.  I know it's frustrating,  I've flown over the green many times.... lol.     You just have to keep an eye open to what putting scale you have before you putt.


  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Thu, Aug 21 2014 12:23 PM


    Will you please stop setting the putter strength automatically to 100 when you're on the fringe? It's pretty damn annoying. If I wanted it set to that, I would do it myself!


    i am not sure why it's happening but it should never be an issue as everyone should always double and tripple check the putting/other clubs and adjust as needed.


  • MrSCicero
    154 Posts
    Sun, Aug 24 2014 1:04 AM



    Will you please stop setting the putter strength automatically to 100 when you're on the fringe? It's pretty damn annoying. If I wanted it set to that, I would do it myself!


    i am not sure why it's happening but it should never be an issue as everyone should always double and tripple check the putting/other clubs and adjust as needed.


    I do agree with what this gentleman is requesting, We all know to set our meters higher when the shot is above what our meter is rated for, However sometimes we get preoccupied looking over the putt and forget to check our meters,With all other clubs we have to check wind conditions before we choose clubs for our shots, But when we putt we don't have the wind to consider. some times playing a multi player game it takes almost as much time as we have on the clock to look over the putt, So we quickly putt the ball and it's see you later!

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Sun, Aug 24 2014 1:21 AM

    Not ideal, but with everything on the list we all know to go through our pre shot routine.

    But when we putt we don't have the wind to consider.

    Good luck with that on a windy day.


  • TopShelf2010
    10,975 Posts
    Sun, Aug 24 2014 3:01 AM


  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sun, Aug 24 2014 3:28 AM

    Oh the growing pains of dealing with our Caddy. I truly understand the pain coming from the OP. I remember those days of taking the time to study the putting line. Adjusting to the proper break. Determining the proper distance and power needed. Pull back the meter, release and DING... only to have to sucker go flying by the hole. 

    LOL I agree - but sometimes if you are tired........

    Also it is sometimes best to chip/ptich from the fringe.

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Sun, Aug 24 2014 4:57 AM

    If I wanted it set to that, I would do it myself!

    So you don't mind setting it to the required distance, what was your point again?

  • MrSCicero
    154 Posts
    Sun, Aug 24 2014 5:15 AM


    If I wanted it set to that, I would do it myself!

    So you don't mind setting it to the required distance, what was your point again?

    To be quite honest there are days when I would just prefer to carry my own bag and choose my own clubs on every shot I make,I would really like to see an option to disable the auto caddie all together.As anyone that has played this game more than once knows that you don't pull a driver on a par 3 hole that is shorter than your driver will go,Head winds of 20 MPH+ add at least 10 to 15 yards to the shot, The caddie does not always pull the correct club for the conditions, Would Tiger Woods or any other professional let his caddie make every decision on club selection for him? There are also several holes throughout this game that an iron off the tee sets up the approach shot better than the driver. Just a few examples of why this should be an option. per their own words they are trying to make this as close to real life golfing experience as possible.

  • MrSCicero
    154 Posts
    Sun, Aug 24 2014 6:08 AM

    Also it is sometimes best to chip/ptich from the fringe.

    Another good point,Not only has the caddie set my meter incorrectly, But he has handed me the wrong club.