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On the fringe...

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Wed, Aug 27 2014 2:00 PM (26 replies)
  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sun, Aug 24 2014 9:17 AM

    Not only has the caddie set my meter incorrectly, But he has handed me the wrong club.

    It happens all the time, preferrably on tees and around the greens. WGT asked us in January for our helping thoughts ("Caddie woes - We need your feedback"), but until today they don't say a word if and what they make from our efforts now and in future. Our 70+ ideas obviously went into a thankless black hole.

  • MrSCicero
    154 Posts
    Sun, Aug 24 2014 10:24 AM


    Not only has the caddie set my meter incorrectly, But he has handed me the wrong club.

    It happens all the time, preferrably on tees and around the greens. WGT asked us in January for our helping thoughts ("Caddie woes - We need your feedback"), but until today they don't say a word if and what they make from our efforts now and in future. Our 70+ ideas obviously went into a thankless black hole.

    Well, I think that if we keep a positive attitude and be persistent we might just get something done about this,I have been asking players to read and post to the forums,Hoping that if we get enough players that agree with what we are asking for it might just happen, I understand your point of view, But if we remain persistent it could happen.

  • JFidanza
    1,676 Posts
    Sun, Aug 24 2014 10:48 AM

    Everything considered, I think WGT is entertainment but it is also a learning program.

    I have learned to always pull the flagstick if it might impede my shot.

    I have learned to be careful not to overshoot a green with a rear pin placement.

    I have learned to triple-check the power bar increment just before I pull back to swing.

    I have learned to use a chip shot when I am 22 yards from the green.

    etc. etc.

    Sure, I am open for the idea of more options and making a program more user friendly. As I have stated that I would like the avatar to always be see thru (as they are already in some cases) on the putting green. -

    Several times while putting lately my avatar is blocking the slope indicator dots and the aim pointer. (you can switch to a different view but as discussed in a dozen post the views can be different and it's wise to consider all angles) Plus, there is no reason the avatar NEEDS to be solid on the green.

    But otherwise, everything has been very enjoyable....'cept for my struggle with BO par 4

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sun, Aug 24 2014 11:05 AM

    Well, I think that if we keep a positive attitude and be persistent we might just get something done about this,I have been asking players to read and post to the forums,Hoping that if we get enough players that agree with what we are asking for it might just happen,

    Hope? What hope? Certainly not in communication.

    I abandoned hope when entering this Hell' Gate.

    I've been disappointed by the tasks and company presentation of most officials here, and the last man standing stumbled a few days ago.

    This is the way the company wants it - any user activities counting zilch.

  • abndave
    268 Posts
    Sun, Aug 24 2014 11:23 AM

    I agree , I mean it is extremely tough to glance down and look at putting increment , and then have to use mouse wheel to adjust it .  lmao

  • MrSCicero
    154 Posts
    Sun, Aug 24 2014 11:37 AM


    Well, I think that if we keep a positive attitude and be persistent we might just get something done about this,I have been asking players to read and post to the forums,Hoping that if we get enough players that agree with what we are asking for it might just happen,

    Hope? What hope? Certainly not in communication.

    I abandoned hope when entering this Hell' Gate.

    I've been disappointed by the tasks and company presentation of most officials here, and the last man standing stumbled a few days ago.

    This is the way the company wants it - any user activities counting zilch.

    I just finished reading all of the post in the thread that you posted in your reply on this thread, I did not think to make a pros and cons list of reply's however I think I read more people say that they are afraid of adding more bugs by trying to change the way the auto caddie works, This could be the case,But have any of them ever thought that possibly some other bugs that are in the game now might be corrected by changing it. Just possibly the programmers might get an idea on how to correct some of the problems while working on this,How many of them ever thought like this?

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sun, Aug 24 2014 12:09 PM

    These thoughts have been discussed many times, with some but little change. My point is that such call for help went on without any further participation, response nor thank you by WGT, and it's only the first of five similar calls. They said that this is the way the company handles their "calls for help" - should I pretend a positive attitude now?

  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Sun, Aug 24 2014 12:10 PM


    Another good point,Not only has the caddie set my meter incorrectly, But he has handed me the wrong club.

    This is one of my favorite subjects and I've gotten really good at remarking about it as I have so much practice.  You mention you would like to be able to turn off the caddie and make all your decisions un-aided. We then just do it Nike. :)))  Always click on each club and always set the putting meter yourself even if you just agree with what's been selected. I do it all the time. It's a pre-shot routine that I practice as a result of getting the putting meter wrong from the fringe just like you may have. Once you practice this way it becomes normal and plenty fast to be able to play multi-player rounds.

    Here's the best part, you become entirely dependant on your own decision making. You're always right or always the one who made the mistake. All credit to yourself for the great shots or all apportionment of blame on yourself for the stinkers. The auto-caddie is irrelevant as it should be and has no control over your success. GL

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sun, Aug 24 2014 12:30 PM

    Wise words Cerino!

    My point against the common "No Caddie" wish is that the old bloke at least brings the selection close to the correct position. With a bit of experience you know which mistakes he makes and correct them easily. In most cases, I'd have more work with a neutral start. BTW, which should be "neutral"?

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sun, Aug 24 2014 1:27 PM

    Another good point,Not only has the caddie set my meter incorrectly, But he has handed me the wrong club.

    I used the chip/pitch scenario as it should prove one are thinking about what type of shot and how to play it. On a real golf course no shot is ever predetermined, whether you have a caddy or not - you think about how to play it, visualise it and choose the type of club, shot type and how hard to hit it - this should be no different. A caddy in real golf can "advise you" but it is the player who has the final decision to make.

    I think other posters like CD and Alosso have summed this up to a tee.