Will you please stop setting the putter strength automatically to 100 when you're on the fringe? It's pretty damn annoying. If I wanted it set to that, I would do it myself!
i am not sure why it's happening but it should never be an issue as everyone should always double and tripple check the putting/other clubs and adjust as needed.
I do agree with what this gentleman is requesting, We all know to set our meters higher when the shot is above what our meter is rated for, However sometimes we get preoccupied looking over the putt and forget to check our meters,With all other clubs we have to check wind conditions before we choose clubs for our shots, But when we putt we don't have the wind to consider. some times playing a multi player game it takes almost as much time as we have on the clock to look over the putt, So we quickly putt the ball and it's see you later!