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WGT not REFUNDING the Whole amount after discovering...

Thu, Aug 28 2014 10:59 AM (17 replies)
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  • WilliamRNewmanJr
    4,072 Posts
    Tue, Aug 26 2014 5:43 AM


    I recently purchased a Wedge that I thought was better then what I had. After going into my Equipment and looking at where to put it in my Wedge section, I discover the Differences was not any improvements what-so-ever!

    Now In less then 5 minutes [Purchase to checking it out to returning it to WGT] After paying 695 Credits I only gotten 195 Credits back. To me , this is a RIP OFF!

    I can go to a Golf Pro Shop and after I purchase an Item and not SATISFY, I return it to the Pro Shop, and Get my money back in FULL! They rather have me coming back making other Purchases then to have a Customer go out and by word of Mouth, the Shop will lose Business and eventually Close.

    But WGT must make amends to this issues and Promptly refund my other 500 credits. Its hard enough to find $5 to put into this Game off my Social Security Check.

    I'm Disable and cannot ever play Real Life Golf anymore. This site is my way of Playing, like it was a real life Game. In allot of ways it is, but its a PC World, not the 100% feeling on a Real Life Experience.

    WGT Please refund my Credits!

    Thanks and God Bless you all!


  • TopShelf2010
    10,969 Posts
    Tue, Aug 26 2014 5:55 AM


  • WilliamRNewmanJr
    4,072 Posts
    Tue, Aug 26 2014 6:00 AM

    Well I didn't have the Extra funds for the Rental and Didn't notice it was a Free Rental Weekend. I got my Email from WGT on Free Rental the Day After I made my Purchase and return.



  • ApexPC
    3,164 Posts
    Tue, Aug 26 2014 7:41 AM

    It takes way more than 5 minutes to evaluate a new club - more like 5 days.

    The FAQ Pro Shop section explains that we sell clubs back for 25% of their cost.

    Basically, you ripped yourself off by being a less than fully informed consumer.

  • rfgraham1
    2,739 Posts
    Tue, Aug 26 2014 8:15 AM

    Well said WilliamRNewmanJr

    Agree with you 100%. WGT is a waste of money due to many reasons other than just their refund policy.

    I just wised up after 14 months and am now just playing a very short game each day to keep my nose in just in case they ever decide to sort out the anomalies, cheats, cheat software, abusive players etc.

    You do need to realise however that this game cost a small fortune to create and the cost needed to be recouped with profit. However, I believe they have now reached the point of pure corporate greed which is a sad modern disease. Maybe we should be buying shares in wgt?

    Good luck everyone


  • spdemon
    1,588 Posts
    Tue, Aug 26 2014 8:54 AM

    It takes way more than 5 minutes to evaluate a new club - more like 5 days.

    Wrong apex not if you buy one that just got a wgt face lift to the OP its best to compare club stats before you buy them or try renting them 

    or ask others for advice on clubs could help as well

  • WGTdbloshoe
    2,840 Posts
    Tue, Aug 26 2014 11:19 AM



    I recently purchased a Wedge that I thought was better then what I had. After going into my Equipment and looking at where to put it in my Wedge section, I discover the Differences was not any improvements what-so-ever!

    Now In less then 5 minutes [Purchase to checking it out to returning it to WGT] After paying 695 Credits I only gotten 195 Credits back. To me , this is a RIP OFF!

    I can go to a Golf Pro Shop and after I purchase an Item and not SATISFY, I return it to the Pro Shop, and Get my money back in FULL! They rather have me coming back making other Purchases then to have a Customer go out and by word of Mouth, the Shop will lose Business and eventually Close.

    But WGT must make amends to this issues and Promptly refund my other 500 credits. Its hard enough to find $5 to put into this Game off my Social Security Check.

    I'm Disable and cannot ever play Real Life Golf anymore. This site is my way of Playing, like it was a real life Game. In allot of ways it is, but its a PC World, not the 100% feeling on a Real Life Experience.

    WGT Please refund my Credits!

    Thanks and God Bless you all!


    I took a look and I am not seeing any emails into our Customer Service.  They would be the ones to contact to talk to about a refund.  You can contact them at


    - WGTdbloshoe

  • riskplayer
    253 Posts
    Tue, Aug 26 2014 11:22 AM

    I think you should send WGT an email about this problem. You can even post to Shoe or Icon's wall and probably resolve this. Posting on the forum about this is probably the worst way to get problems resolved.

  • WilliamRNewmanJr
    4,072 Posts
    Tue, Aug 26 2014 3:36 PM


    It takes way more than 5 minutes to evaluate a new club - more like 5 days.

    The FAQ Pro Shop section explains that we sell clubs back for 25% of their cost.

    Basically, you ripped yourself off by being a less than fully informed consumer.

    Well Mr. ApexPC,

    I know when I see 2 Apples there are various forms of Apples. No 2 Apples are alike, now is there?

    Well the Same is True for Clubs, Woods & Hybrid, Irons, Putters and Golf Balls. What I got in my Bag works Very well but I saw the Wedge was unlock and I look at it, and thought it was Better Wedge then What I had! NOPE ~ Here's your Sign! STUPID!!! Was How I felt after seeing it up against what I have and it was WORST then any of my Wedges! I got a 100 yds, 85 yds and 60 yds Wedges. With my PW at 110 yards, I got the Perfect set-up. I thought the Wedge I was getting was better then my 85 yard. IT Wasn't even Close!

    So I do Appreciate your Thoughts, Mr ApexPC, but You not on Disability or even drawing a SS Check are you? So Unless you been in my Shoes and walk in my Path for a Mile, then you do not know the PAIN it causes me to know: THAT I CAN NEVER ENJOY THE GAME IN REAL LIFE ANYMORE, but just here and on TV. Sad isn't it?

    So Thanks for sticking your Nose in to my Private Life and making me feel like I'm a TOTALLY USELESS HUMAN BEING!

    Hope you Sleep Well Mr. ApexPC!!!



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