Hi, Should CC director have access to club tools such as email mems and edit in CC forum.?
For now, they installed the titles.
Functions will only follow later (no date given).
Still no change.
ArgyleScott:Still no change.
And no bank either :-(
Both great ideas and would help CC's no end but unfortunately they seem to be great things that have fallen by the wayside.
Another update goes by and still no change.
Can anyone help please ? When I update a members responsibility to Director. What responsibilities does the new director have ? on their profile
jess162 ripper162@hotmail.co.uk
jess162: Hi, Can anyone help please ? When I update a members responsibility to Director. What responsibilities does the new director have ? on their profile Thanks jess162 ripper162@hotmail.co.uk
Currently there are none. We will add in the future.
- WGTdbloshoe
Along with the bank
WGTdbloshoe:We will add in the future.
Is it true that this - along with fixes of connectivity and other major issues - is scheduled for the Twelfth of Never?
But we are getting a revamped clash that everyone will want to play:
Put together by the new caring tourney director, with that feminine touch