PRStevenson: I would be seriously, seriously pi$ed off, if having put in a massive amount of effort into building and maintaining my club that I'd been stripped of my club by WGT or that they'd allowed players to demote me as the creator and owner.
I did take time out from WGT for a lot longer than the OP's complaining about and informed my members I'd be doing so. Some stayed, many left and that's just the way it goes.
Some owners die, some owners just turn their backs to the game, leaving for good - there's valid reason for an official owner change in many cases.
PRStevenson: The second suggestion which also seems ludicrous is that you could somehow take shortcuts and buy a large club. If players want it, they should work for it like the rest of us.
You remember? Once it was nothing but a short purchase: 500 cr to open a 250 members capacity CC from scratch (1). "Work like the rest of us" appears as advocacy for the newer "mutual grind for CC benefits" system (2).
In both ways, WGT loses (1+2: entry fees, 2: grind credits) when they help with the transfer in "absent owner" cases. OTOH, it may be the lack of care for CCs. Owner and members have been grinding already for a strong CC - why should they have to start over again if only one of them, the owner, is absent?
I also don't buy the "respect for ownership" phrase. T&Cs state clearly that all items in the game are at their free disposition, and this includes ownership (worth 50 crs AFAIK).
=> They simply don't want to do it. Is it too much hastle, lost revenue? Dunno.
BTW: What happened to ABOB CC in Leo's case? Did he transfer ownership in time, or was this the famous exception by the company?
BTW2: The official answer to your communication rant is in #2 of the linked thread, and you found the user's workaround already. I can't imagine any new development there.