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Absent owner - new CC restrictions?

Sun, Dec 25 2016 3:05 PM (62 replies)
  • PRStevenson
    842 Posts
    Sun, Sep 25 2016 5:42 PM

    I haven't read every post on this thread but I am stunned by some of the ridiculous comments on here. A sort of mutiny thread on inactive owners.

    I would be seriously, seriously pi$$ed off, if having put in a massive amount of effort into building and maintaining my club that I'd been stripped of my club by WGT or that they'd allowed players to demote me as the creator and owner.

    I did take time out from WGT for a lot longer than the OP's complaining about and informed my members I'd be doing so. Some stayed, many left and that's just the way it goes.

    The second suggestion which also seems ludicrous is that you could somehow take shortcuts and buy a large club. If players want it, they should work for it like the rest of us.

    If everyone in the club wants to leave but start their own club, then that's what they should do. One of them, start a club from scratch and the others join.

    The hardest logistical challenge on this game is communication. I built a website with chatroom, which enabled my members to discuss things at ease.

    WGT really needs to get around to this as it would improve the game exponentially.

  • alosso
    21,086 Posts
    Sun, Sep 25 2016 10:33 PM

    I would be seriously, seriously pi$ed off, if having put in a massive amount of effort into building and maintaining my club that I'd been stripped of my club by WGT or that they'd allowed players to demote me as the creator and owner.

    I did take time out from WGT for a lot longer than the OP's complaining about and informed my members I'd be doing so. Some stayed, many left and that's just the way it goes.

    Some owners die, some owners just turn their backs to the game, leaving for good - there's valid reason for an official owner change in many cases.

    The second suggestion which also seems ludicrous is that you could somehow take shortcuts and buy a large club. If players want it, they should work for it like the rest of us.

    You remember? Once it was nothing but a short purchase: 500 cr to open a 250 members capacity CC from scratch (1). "Work like the rest of us" appears as advocacy for the newer "mutual grind for CC benefits" system (2).

    In both ways, WGT loses (1+2: entry fees, 2: grind credits) when they help with the transfer in "absent owner" cases. OTOH, it may be the lack of care for CCs. Owner and members have been grinding already for a strong CC - why should they have to start over again if only one of them, the owner, is absent?

    I also don't buy the "respect for ownership" phrase. T&Cs state clearly that all items in the game are at their free disposition, and this includes ownership (worth 50 crs AFAIK).

    => They simply don't want to do it. Is it too much hastle, lost revenue? Dunno.

    BTW: What happened to ABOB CC in Leo's case? Did he transfer ownership in time, or was this the famous exception by the company?


    BTW2: The official answer to your communication rant is in #2 of the linked thread, and you found the user's workaround already. I can't imagine any new development there.

  • WoodyJeep
    1,961 Posts
    Thu, Sep 29 2016 7:03 AM

    I haven't read every post in this thread either but I thought you could pay money to increase the amount of members.  If true, just start another club and invite the gang over.  

    At some point the owner deserves to lose the club, one way or another, if he doesn't attend to the duties.

  • jacktrade51
    11,208 Posts
    Thu, Sep 29 2016 2:58 PM

    I haven't read every post in this thread either but I thought you could pay money to increase the amount of members.  If true, just start another club and invite the gang over

    WGT did away with expanding maximum club size by buying credits a little over 2 years ago.  The only way to expand club size now is by earning club cc points and advancing levels. 

    My club had to deal with an absent owner issue back then, and it took us a couple of weeks (and a number of purchased club passes) to get to where we could bring all the 80 or so people who want to move to the "new" club.   We also held one volunteer back in the "old" club (that was me) to facilitate communications with the members yet to be brought over.  It was a pain in the butt but we managed.

    To prevent a recurrence in case something happens to me, since I am now the club owner, 2 of my club members have my WGT sign-in information with the authority to sign in as me and transfer ownership if I am absent without explanation for over 2 weeks.

    In addition, all my directors have the authority to admit new members, create tournaments, and send club-wide messages.  The only thing they cannot do is remove members or change their status (e.g., recruit to member) because WGT restricts that to the club owner.  So the club will function fine if I am AWOL. 

    (Admitting members is the big thing here.  A club that cannot admit new members is dead in the water.  WGT authorized owners to allow directors to admit new members about 18 months ago and our then owner immediately authorized all directors to do so, a practice I have continued.)


  • twinponds169
    3,051 Posts
    Thu, Sep 29 2016 3:27 PM

    I have not read this whole thread as well, but thought I would share a great safeguard in the event that something unforeseen happens to a club owner. In our club, the owner sends a "Transfer of Ownership" email to a trusted club director. This is in the Owner Tools. In this email is a link and once the director clicks on it, he/she will become the new owner of the club. This email link does have an expiration, I believe about 2 weeks, so a fresh one is sent every two weeks.

    If, God forbid, the owner suddenly dies or is incapacitated, has a family emergency,  or all of a sudden is just gone an unusual amount of time, the director has the tool he needs to take control of the club as the new owner.

    The director being well trusted, when the original owner is ready to assume control of the club again, the director uses the same process to give it back to him. We have used this procedure several times over the last few years with no hassle or glitch. Death in the family, hospital stay, vacation, there are many reasons and times to use it. But if you truly care about your club, your members, your friends, you will always keep this safeguard in place for them.


  • irisheyez5
    1,753 Posts
    Sat, Oct 29 2016 12:43 PM


      If this is the case . I am once again appalled at the lack of effort to insure that this feature is  known to exist as a safe guard . Rather than a last ditch effort . 

      Of course I sent a copy to member services for confirmation. 

    All  of these options are readily available to any and all  CC  owners ....  very easy to find .

    but it doesnt surprise me  you know nothing of them  ....  just like any information a person can acquire  they have to listen or read  ....  STOP  talking  learn how to read it could serve you well.

  • thesupernova
    7,344 Posts
    Sat, Oct 29 2016 12:56 PM

    The pending list also can be players invited by the owner to the prospective club not necessarily  people waiting verification , just simply the person on that list not accepting the club invite.

    A 2 way street on the pending list.




  • alosso
    21,086 Posts
    Sat, Oct 29 2016 2:01 PM

    the owner sends a "Transfer of Ownership" email to a trusted club director. This is in the Owner Tools. In this email is a link and once the director clicks on it, he/she will become the new owner of the club.

    You may want to clarify that this is a system email invoked by the Transfer Ownership function of the owner's tools, NOT a direct owner mail.

    In the past, it was crucial that the designated new owner would receive WGT mails, but from a report in a parallel thread it looks like the mail is sent and the link is broken :(

  • harryskunk
    1,631 Posts
    Sat, Oct 29 2016 2:27 PM


    the owner sends a "Transfer of Ownership" email to a trusted club director. This is in the Owner Tools. In this email is a link and once the director clicks on it, he/she will become the new owner of the club.

    You may want to clarify that this is a system email invoked by the Transfer Ownership function of the owner's tools, NOT a direct owner mail.

    In the past, it was crucial that the designated new owner would receive WGT mails, but from a report in a parallel thread it looks like the mail is sent and the link is broken :(

    you got it the link dont work after sent