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Absent owner - new CC restrictions?

Sun, Dec 25 2016 3:05 PM (62 replies)
  • AlaskanDamsel
    1,192 Posts
    Sat, Aug 30 2014 10:27 AM

    I've put this message in the bug log, too, but maybe there are people here who could help, too?  Thanks.


    Owner of YCGC has been absent for 2 months.  We have coooperatively managed tournaments and interclub matches and a ladder and brackets and knockout comps, waiting, but have no one with the tools of ownership to deal with the membership.  We've sent many requests to "Customer Support" to contact him.  No fix there.

    We really want to appoint a new captain/owner and stay where we are, but "Customer Support" has been adamant that we cannot and must start a new club.

    But now, the new CC features limit a new club to only 15 members to start.  As we have a very active membership of almost 250, how do you expect us to manage the start of a new club with that restriction?

    That is the BUG now --- there has got to be a way around this situation.   It is in your interest to help us, as I believe you would lose quite a bit of revenue from discouraged active players who think wgt has just really, really messed us up on this issue and would just plain quit if no good resolution can be found . . . .

    Please advise.   Thanks.


  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sat, Aug 30 2014 10:50 AM
    You'd think that WGT would make an exception. In fact they could have done it on the quiet and nobody would have been any the wiser. It would be a real shame to lose all those club mates.
  • WGTdbloshoe
    2,840 Posts
    Sat, Aug 30 2014 11:36 AM


    I've put this message in the bug log, too, but maybe there are people here who could help, too?  Thanks.


    Owner of YCGC has been absent for 2 months.  We have coooperatively managed tournaments and interclub matches and a ladder and brackets and knockout comps, waiting, but have no one with the tools of ownership to deal with the membership.  We've sent many requests to "Customer Support" to contact him.  No fix there.

    We really want to appoint a new captain/owner and stay where we are, but "Customer Support" has been adamant that we cannot and must start a new club.

    But now, the new CC features limit a new club to only 15 members to start.  As we have a very active membership of almost 250, how do you expect us to manage the start of a new club with that restriction?

    That is the BUG now --- there has got to be a way around this situation.   It is in your interest to help us, as I believe you would lose quite a bit of revenue from discouraged active players who think wgt has just really, really messed us up on this issue and would just plain quit if no good resolution can be found . . . .

    Please advise.   Thanks.


    There are many reasons why a owner may be missing, however we can't just take a club away from someone just because they have not been around for a little bit.  I wish I had a better answer for you, but the reality is they created it and to just yank it from them would wrong.

    I know you all are frustrated but CS let me know you have sent in multiple emails and now you are posting in multiple different threads.  Spamming the forums and CS is not the best way to go about it.


    - WGTdbloshoe

  • EasyEdward
    13,507 Posts
    Sat, Aug 30 2014 11:51 AM


    Is there a way for a new CC to purchase a larger CC OR does any new CC have to  start and build up using the CC XP system?

    If the only way is the later that seems extreme because it would take well over a year (or more) to get there.


  • WGTdbloshoe
    2,840 Posts
    Sat, Aug 30 2014 12:15 PM



    Is there a way for a new CC to purchase a larger CC OR does any new CC have to  start and build up using the CC XP system?

    If the only way is the later that seems extreme because it would take well over a year (or more) to get there.


    That I don't know.  I would have to talk to some other people to see how the system was set up.  I would have to think there was a way of doing it but not 100% sure.


    - WGTdbloshoe

  • bubbsboy
    6,879 Posts
    Sat, Aug 30 2014 12:22 PM

    Nice scalding from WGT, dont pester them again, now be good.....Well not much you can do by the looks of it, pity as you do have a few who take part in your comps, but like other large ccs, you have many who do not. You could all merge with another cc which can hold your numbers (just the ones who take part) but why should you i hear you ask? Answer is they aint gonna bend the rules, 

    Good luck, Bubbs

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sat, Aug 30 2014 12:29 PM
    Perhaps WGT should add a new rule to cover this. If any owner shows no sign of movement for a month then the club is automatically passed on to the second in command. We'll have ranked officers soon.
  • DirtyDW
    108 Posts
    Sat, Aug 30 2014 1:08 PM


    My first CC (NoMan's CC) was yanked. no explanation to me or members. I received one email stating that I closed it.

    WGT can do anything they want to do, even close CC's.  This YCGC issue is a special circumstance and it behooves WGT to atleast look into that issue a little bit.  As a CC owner, I am curious as to why that person "YCGC Owner" couldn't send a 5 second email to their YCGC members...  Something is not right and waiting is not the answer as its been two months already.

    On this one, I vote for the members of YCGC to make that call.  Give them options just as any brick and mortar club would do.  


    NoMan's Land GC


  • Marco129
    275 Posts
    Sat, Aug 30 2014 1:45 PM

    This is a terrible situation, but unfortunately quite common with internet groups.

    At minimum, WGT should be able to add 2 directors to the club to keep things stumbling along.

    I hope WGT will help you with this issue, soon.

     photo baa309bc-57b9-4c49-ab91-5031d95e4c0c_zps10d5bf44.png


  • AlaskanDamsel
    1,192 Posts
    Sat, Aug 30 2014 2:42 PM

    Our actions with  CS have been to show support for the current leadership.  And my using different threads here was only an attempt to find a person who might actually have some help for us.

    We are not spamming.

    Kindly apologize.

    We are trying to save an active CC for you, wgt.
