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Hello! Advice for a not so new newbie!

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Mon, Sep 1 2014 8:23 PM (12 replies)
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  • davehindley
    3 Posts
    Sun, Aug 31 2014 5:25 AM

    Hi everyone. I've been a player on wgt for a few years but only just noticed the forum. Wish I had earlier as I have loads of questions!


    Firstly I play mostly on my ipad - is it possible to play a matchplay game against another player on this? I play mostly ready to go tournaments but they are proving expensive so can you recommend a better way to play competitively without it costing so much. Also does anyone else play on iphone? I have a massive problem playing on mine as when I get to the green the guidelines are all haphazard and zig zagging across the screen like there is a fault. I have reported this but had no reply.


    Thanks for any advice, Dave.

  • WGTyphoon
    597 Posts
    Sun, Aug 31 2014 10:08 AM

    Hello davehindley. Welcome to the forums. 

    At the moment there are no match play modes for players on the iPad or iPhone. We do know that this has been a requested feature and is being looked at. Hopefully in the future you'll be able to do so. We do run free to enter tournaments alongside the Ready Go tournaments, have you tried entering some of those?

    Did you contact Customer Support regarding the putting grid? Providing them with the courses you saw this on and the date it started occurring will help them pin point the issue. 

    I hope you continue to enjoy your stay on the forums.


  • davehindley
    3 Posts
    Sun, Aug 31 2014 10:32 AM



    yes I sent a screen shot of the putting green with the disrtorted lines on it. I get the feeling its a big problem as othr queries I have had have been responded to very quickly.

    Thanks for your reply

  • MainzMan
    9,593 Posts
    Sun, Aug 31 2014 10:57 AM


    I play mostly ready to go tournaments but they are proving expensive so can you recommend a better way to play competitively without it costing so much.

    If you're consistently losing credits on Ready Go's then I'd stop entering and play the weekly and monthly tournaments instead.  Apart from the premium ones they're free and the competition is almost as intense.

    Winning any credits in a Ready Go has become very difficult lately, it seems you need 8 or 9 under just to get your entry fee back in most of them.

  • stevietwotimes
    1,327 Posts
    Sun, Aug 31 2014 12:25 PM

    Also does anyone else play on iphone?

    tried it on iphone Dave but its impossible m8....

    ive tried laptop as well but you cant beat a pc m8...

  • Safdar1
    454 Posts
    Mon, Sep 1 2014 5:41 AM

    I played on my iphone, it was actually ok, I didn't even know this site existed (I thought it was only an apple app) till later, now I don't play on the iphone. I dont recall having any issues on the phone app, but you could not play multiplayer.


    There are many free trournaments, I would play those, the minute you enter one where you have to pay, all the professional sandbaggers come out of the woodwork, I would stay clear for now.

  • hitmehard61
    3 Posts
    Mon, Sep 1 2014 10:30 AM

    Hi Dave,It must be hard to play on your phone,get yourself a laptop you wont have anymore problems & your game will improve.cheerio 


  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Mon, Sep 1 2014 1:07 PM

    If you're consistently losing credits on Ready Go's then I'd stop entering and play the weekly and monthly tournaments instead.  Apart from the premium ones they're free and the competition is almost as intense.

    I have to concur - looking at your score history you are effectively throwing away credits by entering.

    My advice is to use a PC or laptop to play the game for better stability and features. I have heard that iPad and phones are ok, but it is like half a game (I have not tried either).

    Try and play to level up and better equipment becomes available, plus the experience from learning the game, you will then be better equipped to play RG's if you desire.

    The forums contain a huge amount of great tips, so search for information to improve your game. It takes a long time to master the game (I am still trying to do so lol) but also ask for advice - especially if you are contemplating an equipment upgrade - it will save you money.

    Most of all have fun, it is a great game and there are some great players who will offer advice when asked!

  • davehindley
    3 Posts
    Mon, Sep 1 2014 2:40 PM

    Wow! Thanks everyone for the generous advice. 

    Its not as convenient for me to play on a PC but I can occasionally play on my laptop which is great as it's a very large screen. When I have played on it my scores have been much lower. Can't quite figure out why my scores aren't as good on my ipad though. I think I need to get winning credits out of my head and just enjoy playing a tournament. I played a bloke from Germany at match play the other day and it was superb, much more enjoyable than chasing credits.

  • stecrowd
    15 Posts
    Mon, Sep 1 2014 2:52 PM

    This appears to be the best way I can see to start the join a CC process.  I've been playing since May, entered a few tournaments, and been having fun.  But now I'm ready to socialize a little bit.  And I believe there's benefits to being in a CC.  What;s the best way?



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