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Thu, Sep 11 2014 1:33 PM (39 replies)
  • Kaloke
    232 Posts
    Tue, Sep 2 2014 5:25 PM



    I`m having the same problem with it. I cleared my cookies and it still coming up.

    I went to website storage(Adobe) and cleared that too. Do not download it, its a registry cleaner and used wrong, it can mess your computer all up. You have to know what your looking at when it want to delete registry keys. At least, we know it`s coming from the game.

    Alright thank you for sharing this information. Were you able to take a screenshot by any change? We would like to see what this looks like on your end. Appreciate the information so far.


    I am also having this problem as well. I will make sure to take a screenshot if it happens again. I have cleared my cache and ran a scan, I will go and play and see if it still happens.

  • cdefghi
    2,872 Posts
    Tue, Sep 2 2014 10:18 PM

    The pop up in question says " Windows Vista" cleaner, when Vista is no longer supported by MS. Anyone who clicks on this is just looking for trouble and a possible redirect virus like I got from a pop up on here not to long ago.  Ad blocker for some reason didn't block it, but for now it's gone away.

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Wed, Sep 3 2014 1:32 AM

    Everyone should mention what browser they are using too.   Just to see if it's based on the Chrome Browser.

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Wed, Sep 3 2014 3:07 AM

    I just thought of something....   with the new Flash Updates,  I noticed the other day, it asked me if I wanted to download Mcafee.   I had to uncheck box so it wouldn't load before the update


  • cdefghi
    2,872 Posts
    Wed, Sep 3 2014 4:08 AM

    You might be on to something Roger, as the pop up reads "Windows Vista Repair "- then to the right of that there's the Mcaffee Technology's logo ( or something similar)  This is where it gets dicey.  Last time there was an Flash Update, I got a pop up saying to update my Flash and the logo was similar to Adobe's. When I updated all hell broke lose, as I got a redirect virus from somewhere in Chechaslovakia (sp.). which made for a load of work. 

    My step-son uninstalled  my entire desktop's  programs and used our recovery disc to start over from scratch.  Pigs will fly before I go through that nonsense again, and hopefully the techs here at WGT can find out why this evasive pop up keeps showing up.

  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Wed, Sep 3 2014 5:08 AM

    [quote user="cdefghi"]

    The pop up in question says " Windows Vista" cleaner, when Vista is no longer supported by MS. Anyone who clicks on this is just looking for trouble and a possible redirect virus like I got from a pop up on here not to long ago.  Ad blocker for some reason didn't block it, but for now it's gone away.


    Mine said Chrome OS, So it can identify our systems. You know, I think Mantis is right, I updated my flashplayer on my other computer and had to untick the Mcafee box too. They could still put a file in your computer. This chromebook just did a update also. 

  • Robbo81303
    418 Posts
    Wed, Sep 3 2014 7:05 AM

    I'm seeing it while using Maxthon.  Haven't figured out how to retrieve screenshots yet otherwise i'd submit it.

  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Wed, Sep 3 2014 7:24 AM

    Mine is CTRL- F4, you should see a square box on the key. In a previous post in this thread (ApexPC) it mentioned adblock, which I got out of chrome extentions and so far so good

  • WillyBigg
    2,135 Posts
    Wed, Sep 3 2014 11:25 AM

    Here it is, please get rid of this headache. It's a huge risk for your customers that wgt needs to eliminate immediately.

  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Wed, Sep 3 2014 1:03 PM

    Yours was different than mine. Somehow it knows your OS, It's a little unsettling when they can do that. Mine is fixed with Adblock, haven`t seen it today. 

    These clean the registry and can be dangerous for your computer