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New CC benefits

Fri, Sep 5 2014 1:17 PM (20 replies)
  • Covenant
    1,498 Posts
    Fri, Sep 5 2014 12:47 AM

    You dont have to give all members free balls, that would indeed a bit excessive, but for instance the top 3 or 5 XP earners

    Or you could free equipment for a cc to be given to a player who could use it


    That would be nice incentives

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Fri, Sep 5 2014 3:27 AM


    You dont have to give all members free balls, that would indeed a bit excessive, but for instance the top 3 or 5 XP earners

    Or you could free equipment for a cc to be given to a player who could use it


    That would be nice incentives

    This is where 'The Bank' might come in handy when it gets started, so the Owner and/or Admin Members can decided who can have the gift/s

    I just spied on TPC and the amount of XP's needed at their Level....   I don't think I should tell my people about how many points needed to reach that level,  that will really put em

    My CC has about 35 people contributing Xp's and just about at Level 5 and I'm very proud of everyone of them.

    I just tell my people...  Use your free pass in a 18 hole, first game of the new Wgt day...  to earn the most points and that's all I ask of em.



  • TarheelsRule
    5,610 Posts
    Fri, Sep 5 2014 8:24 AM

    I think that the bank could be used as said above to give the CC credits for achieving things and allow the officers to divide it up as they see fit, hold tournaments to pay it out, etc.

    I haven't looked deeply into the levels and how far apart they are.  If they are a deeply divided as the higher tiers then it will take a long time to move up, esp in the smaller clubs

  • cdefghi
    2,872 Posts
    Fri, Sep 5 2014 9:06 AM



    You dont have to give all members free balls, that would indeed a bit excessive, but for instance the top 3 or 5 XP earners

    Or you could free equipment for a cc to be given to a player who could use it


    That would be nice incentives

    This is where 'The Bank' might come in handy when it gets started, so the Owner and/or Admin Members can decided who can have the gift/s

    I just spied on TPC and the amount of XP's needed at their Level....   I don't think I should tell my people about how many points needed to reach that level,  that will really put em

    My CC has about 35 people contributing Xp's and just about at Level 5 and I'm very proud of everyone of them.

    I just tell my people...  Use your free pass in a 18 hole, first game of the new Wgt day...  to earn the most points and that's all I ask of em.



      And you should be proud of each and everyone of your members Roger.  Being in a big club-  TPC that you just mentioned, it's obviously much easier for us to gain xp's then smaller membership clubs like yours. Right from the beginning I wondered how this disparity in the ability to level up was going to work, and just maybe WGT will see this and make some sort of adjustments.  Some clubs stay smaller for reasons of their own, that's very understandable.  They still should at least have obtainable goals despite their lack of size. Possibly something of a sliding scale based on the number of members or separate divisions so to speak. This whole thing's going to be interesting how it plays out, but each club has to set realistic goals and be as proud of their contributing members as you are.

     Shoot low and keep the faith--- Peace --- Ed


  • ApexPC
    3,164 Posts
    Fri, Sep 5 2014 9:48 AM


    Why not....their making Millions...:)

    Uh! They are spending millions also.

    People don't work at WGT for free, and there are other significant costs WGT has to pay.

    The average salary of software engineers in the Bay area is well over $100,000 a year. WGT has something like 50 employees. So if we use $125,000 per employee as a very rough basis for estimating their yearly payroll- $100,000 x 50 = $6,250,000 just in wages. I would bet their actual yearly payroll exceeds $8,000,000 a year.

    WGT also has a nice benefits package.

    Add in the significant costs of their physical location, servers and Internet services, use licensing fees to each of the 22 or so golf courses WGT makes available for play, etc.


  • WGTdbloshoe
    2,840 Posts
    Fri, Sep 5 2014 11:05 AM

    The average salary of software engineers in the Bay area is well over $100,000 a year. WGT has something like 50 employees. So if we use $125,000 per employee as a very rough basis for estimating their yearly payroll- $100,000 x 50 = $6,250,000 just in wages. I would bet their actual yearly payroll exceeds $8,000,000 a year.

    I need some more of this pie!

    I believe WGTadmin2 addressed this is his post when we first released the New CC features.  The next two major features that are coming are CC vs CC and the Bank. Both these features are big ones and takes a quite a bit of man power and time to get developed.  I believe right now they are cranking away on the CC vs CC feature.


    - WGTdbloshoe

  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Fri, Sep 5 2014 11:36 AM

    The next two major features that are coming are CC vs CC and the Bank.

    While these features will be quite welcome, it seems the directors feature should be on the top of the list as well.  When will that get added, Shoe?

    (so you're making $125K? ... we don't even pay our media editors that much!) ... maybe we should start calling you WGToDblBank!  lol.

  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Fri, Sep 5 2014 11:37 AM

    I'm confused , why spend so much time developing something that is already in practice , and very simple. CC owner contacts another CC owner to see if they want to play a tourney.

    Simple as that, so the time being spent to develop something that is already being utilized is a bit of waisting time and money .


  • WGTdbloshoe
    2,840 Posts
    Fri, Sep 5 2014 11:51 AM

    Not 100% sure but it would make sense that the Bank would go hand in hand with the Directors.  No promises but to me that would be the natural time to tie that in.


    - WGTdbloshoe

  • cdefghi
    2,872 Posts
    Fri, Sep 5 2014 12:06 PM


    I'm confused , why spend so much time developing something that is already in practice , and very simple. CC owner contacts another CC owner to see if they want to play a tourney.

    Simple as that, so the time being spent to develop something that is already being utilized is a bit of waisting time and money .


      But if credits are involved WGT wouldn't get their rake. I think that's why the bank ties in with the CC vs. CC feature.