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Reference of CC Levels and XPs

Sun, Aug 29 2021 5:32 AM (217 replies)
  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sat, Sep 6 2014 2:01 AM

    This is a starter for a reference between CC Levels and corresponding XP limits.
    The numbers and the comparison with the individual level / XP reference shows
    that it's heavily progressive.

    CC Level        XPs             corresponding individual level
            1                   0   XP            1
            2             2,494   XP          18
            3           14,963   XP          33
            4         149,625   XP          71
            5         403,988   XP          88
            6         837,900   XP          93
            7      1,496,250   XP          96
            8      2,423,925   XP        100

            9      5,650,000   XP       (2014-10-01)
          10      8,908,336   XP       (2014-10-01 - date of notice)
          11    12,199,255   XP       (2014-10-12 - same down from here)
          12    15,523,083   XP       (2014-10-31)
          13    18,880,150   XP       (2014-11-21)
          14     22,270,787  XP       (2014-12-10)
          15     25,995,331  XP       (2014-12-28)
          16     29,462,329  XP       (2015-01-16)

          17    34,171,076 XP
          18    42,411,384 XP
          19    56,831,923 XP
          20    286,650,000 XP      (around 2016-06-01)
          21    945,000,021 XP      (2017-06-04)
          22   1,603,350,042 XP    (discovered 2018-09-22)
    2,424,008,975 XP   (2021-08-26)
          24 XP   (discovered 2024-09-09, when they were close to L24)

    It's remarkable that they needed only 13 months to L21, after 12 months for the run from L19 to L20.

    3 years = 36 months to L22 though...

    As of 2023-02-16, Magic Mountain, the only L22 CC, are less than 7% shy of L23.


  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sat, Sep 6 2014 2:45 AM

    I'll let you know the next level in 3 weeks time.

  • stevepsheehan
    2,791 Posts
    Sat, Sep 6 2014 5:11 PM

    I did a bit of number crunching in Excel, based on the first 8 levels, and it all seemed to fit a nice, progressive curve. The last leap to 6600938 though, is way off the curve, and if this is going to be reflected in future increases, then it's going to go through the roof very quickly!

  • siggipj76
    2,989 Posts
    Sat, Sep 6 2014 5:25 PM

    I somehow doubt this game will still be around when cc's hit hits level 20.


  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sat, Sep 6 2014 10:40 PM

    Thanks for sharing your work!

    The last leap to 6600938 though, is way off the curve, and if this is going to be reflected in future increases, then it's going to go through the roof very quickly!


    From the view, they dropped two levels of your idea, advancing towards #11.

    ?Next stop 18,000,000? (#14)

    @Courteney: That's why I set the time so high for two levels.

  • stevepsheehan
    2,791 Posts
    Sun, Sep 7 2014 2:20 PM

    Also worth noting, that whilst it has been relatively easy for established CCs like TPC with 250 members to make the XP requirements to Level Up fairly rapidly, NEW CCs, under this scheme, will find it much harder... for example, at L5, they will have a maximum of just 100 members, which could mean they will take 2-3 times as long to meet the next target. And the higher the targets are, the more difficult this will become.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sun, Sep 7 2014 9:12 PM

    Also worth noting, that whilst it has been relatively easy for established CCs like TPC with 250 members to make the XP requirements to Level Up fairly rapidly.

    I know that you meant no disrespect by that comment but I can't just let that go. It wasn't relatively easy to get my club to the size it is and it isn't relatively easy to keep 250 people happy. How easy do you think it is to top the league by a quarter of a million points each week? No offence meant.
  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sun, Sep 7 2014 10:18 PM

    Courteney, it's a tremendous achievement to have such a big and active club like TPC. Mine is 240 members and has only 15% of your CC XPs.

    I understand Steve to say that it's difficult to get together such numbers in a new&small club. Their only chance to grow is the CC XPs, and a whole bunch of them. It takes a lot of eagerness (like yours) and a hard grind to step up the levels.

    My honest respect goes to both of you!

  • PTrenter
    438 Posts
    Mon, Sep 8 2014 1:14 AM

    I wonder in hindsight if it would have been better to cap the XP given to a club if their member limit exceeded that of their current level max.

    For example at level one only the XP from the top 15 players counts, 30 at level 2, 50 at level 3 etc.  

    Would have stopped a lot of clubs with a lot of members shooting off into the distance so early after the upgrade.