Just wondering how a Hack, playing for one day, at level 28 could have a scoring average under 70? Clubs available at that level don't seem conducive to scores quite that low... Makes me wonder if/how I am ever going to be able to be competitive.
Possibly they are a restart.
When my niece restarted she shot 3 under par on her first round with starter clubs which surprised me and her. So I guess starter club are not really that bad. Keep it up I am sure you will get it. Be well.
MichelleWieJr: Just wondering how a Hack, playing for one day, at level 28 could have a scoring average under 70? Clubs available at that level don't seem conducive to scores quite that low... Makes me wonder if/how I am ever going to be able to be competitive.
Well, it would be at least abnormal; below 70 ave in one day ? Impossible if fairly done. I can say this because I have been here a long time and have seen it all. Play well ;-} ~SP~
I think the programming is tweeked to cut the newbies a little break. I noticed that when I started I was having fun with great putts, then around pro it seemed that things began to change.
Like crack dealing 1:01 - "The 1st one is always free"
How does a person with 6 total ranked rounds be a MASTER. She has been playing a lot of blitz games, but i thought you had to have so many ranked rounds to move up tiers.She started in August and already a MASTER, that's a bunch of BS if you ask me.
THUNDERTOM:How does a person with 6 total ranked rounds be a MASTER
Either tournament wins or match play I would say
i think we see alot of strange things around here, only can suggest play for fun not credits