As you can see, the letter Q is missing in the chat box ....
and it's like that for at least 2 weeks ..... :(((
thank you in advance to make the appropriate corrections
Hello. Thank you for reporting this. Which web browser are you using when you play on the game? Just want to verify before I pass this information along.
we were able to confirm the issue and will hopefully have it fixed in the next update
I'm using Chrome
... thanks WGTicon, I appreciate
and have a good day .... Diane
Chrome had issues from day 1,spaceba,pepflsher ect, IE11 works for me ;).
courteneyfish:The Queen will be so upset.
Ya mean the ueen, I think?
What a Qwok of ........
WGTicon: hi we were able to confirm the issue and will hopefully have it fixed in the next update -wgticon
uh oh....fixed in the next update...translation...the "Q" will be back, but, all the flagsticks will disappear.