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Earning Credits

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Sat, Sep 13 2014 10:20 AM (21 replies)
  • MGolfer66
    4 Posts
    Wed, Sep 10 2014 5:22 PM

    It's simply ridiculous that the only way to earn credits without divulging personal information to disreputable parties is doing those stupid surveys! A vast majority of them disqualify you on the first question, most of the rest kick you out after a few more questions saying you don't meet their needs, and the rest take half an hour to complete answering the same questions over and over for a measly 75-100 credits. When a basic sleeve of decent balls is 250+ credits and new clubs are a LOT higher than that it's pretty pointless to even try to play unless you want to spend hundreds of dollars buying pixels! I frankly don't have the available spare income OR the desire to spend it on a game I play now and then for entertainment. It's becoming quite clear that even though this game COULD be very enjoyable, it's nothing more than a blatant money grab!!! I've tried playing tournaments but it's obvious those are populated by trolls on secondary accounts since even on amateur rank you have to have about a 7 under score to even be on the leader board. There is simply no way for a casual player to advance with the garbage starting gear and no way to improve on it!

  • WGTdbloshoe
    2,840 Posts
    Wed, Sep 10 2014 8:49 PM

    We have a great many players who use this site and never spend a single dollar  If you are patient and look for the right offers, you can amass a great number of credits.


    - WGTdbloshoe


  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Wed, Sep 10 2014 9:10 PM
    Of course WGT are out to make money. How long would they last if they took in less than they paid out?
  • alosso
    21,093 Posts
    Wed, Sep 10 2014 9:12 PM

    I frankly don't have the available spare income OR the desire to spend it on a game I play now and then for entertainment.
    Do so, but forget the leaderboards. This game is FTP & PTW - chose to your liking.

    Concerning "money grab", you nailed it! Think about "business" and "capitalism".

  • leelund6
    18 Posts
    Thu, Sep 11 2014 5:01 AM

    Sir, if your going to complain about the cost of things here that's fine and understandable. But if your going to do so, try to put it in a way that explains it more clearly. I know how you feel about some of the surveys however. Let me see if I can help you out here because I fell the same way.

    To WGT, as a long time player here, I have a concern. I know that your not in charge of the surveys on your site but it has become quite clear to me that several of the surveyors are cheating you and us.

    Some surveys are conducted well, while others are a total waist of time. Let me clarify this statement. 

    I do a survey that takes say 20 min. and I am rewarded with credits. These surveyors are conducting themselves well and i have no issue with them.

    Some surveys you can spend 15-25 minuets providing the answers to their questions only to be dumped. You receive 5 credits if your lucky or you simply get lost in the shuffle and receive nothing. As it is hard for us to inform you "WGT" of what survey it was we were participating in, were lucky if we ever see a credit for out time.

    And then there's the worst surveys on your site. THE PERPETUAL LOOP SURVEY! One can spend quite a bit of time with these surveys. They toss you from one pre survey site to another. I have often found myself repeating the same questionair from the same surveyors more than twice while they look for a survey for me to participate in. We should receive something for these to say the least. That, or WGT should stop them from this type of behavior. If we don't qualify, then give us 5 credits for our time and stop the loop. 

    See Mgolfer, not so hard to do. Now don't hold your breath till you turn blue in the face hoping for change here. You'll pass out long before any change occurs. Peace out!! lol

  • MGolfer66
    4 Posts
    Thu, Sep 11 2014 5:37 AM


    We have a great many players who use this site and never spend a single dollar  If you are patient and look for the right offers, you can amass a great number of credits.


    - WGTdbloshoe


    I guess we're not looking at the same offers. I went through the first 8 pages of offers and NOT ONE that paid over 8 credits could be completed without a purchase / subscription or giving personal information that could easily be used for identity theft or both. I do understand that WGT is a business and is looking to make a profit. That is completely understandable. I just think that more people would be willing to spend real money on a game they felt like they could actually progress in and enjoy than one in which you are forced to spend hundreds of dollars just to get past the most basic play. I know I'd certainly be a lot more interested in things like avatars and bags and other similar items if I felt I were actually able to be competitive in the game. As it is, I'm doing the equivalent of entering a stock compact car in a a Nascar race....yes, it can do the same thing but will under no circumstances be competitive.

    On the subject of enjoyment, I keep getting spammed to play the game with others (both in game and in emails). Well not one single time have I been able to join a multiplayer game, received an invitation to ANYTHING or join a club. Exactly how is this "fun with others" thing supposed to work when joining "others" is apparently impossible?

  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Thu, Sep 11 2014 7:18 PM


    We have a great many players who use this site and never spend a single dollar  If you are patient and look for the right offers, you can amass a great number of credits.


    - WGTdbloshoe


    +1 been here for a little over 3 years now and never spent a penny out of pocket . I have played from Hack to Tour Legend absolutely for free . The most that it ever has cost me is my time . Very seldom will I do the surveys anymore . Now all that I do are the videos . Between the carousel and Supersonic ads , I do just fine . I currently have over 4k in credits and if you look at my gear , you will see that I really dont need any clubs .

    So all that you have to do is put your time in . Take your time and earn your credits . Do the videos and take whatever surveys you can get . Stop chasing the quick fix and trying to do it all at one time . Hope this helps and good luck with your game . :-)


  • MGolfer66
    4 Posts
    Fri, Sep 12 2014 7:53 AM

    Just spent an hour and a half attempting to do surveys. Every one disqualified me immediately except 2, one kicked me out after 10 minutes and gave 5 credits, the other had a server failure and kicked me out after about 15 minutes. As far as watching videos goes Lonnie, at a payout rate of 2 credits each and a listed average time of 17.5 minutes it should only take me a little over 254 hours of watching videos to be able to get an upgraded driver. Certainly sounds reasonable doesn't it? I'm guessing you have a lot more free time than I do if you can spend that amount of time to upgrade one piece of equipment.

    I realize I'm probably sounding quite petty about this whole issue and that isn't what I'm trying to do. I'd really just like to have some better equipment in order to be able to do better in the game and don't want to have to spend several hundred dollars to get it (not really an option to be honest). I just think the pricing per item is way too high especially with no good way of earning credits in the first place.

  • derekortt
    682 Posts
    Fri, Sep 12 2014 8:00 AM

    waha! wha! wha!  That is the most blatant crying post I have ever seen here!


    If you want free credits, you have to earn them. I had to when I was first starting out. 


    I'd recommend NOT buying balls aside maybe from 10 cent ones. Instead, worry about upgrading your clubs first. You wont need expensive balls until you reach the legend level


    Another way to EARN credits is to play better

  • JFidanza
    1,676 Posts
    Fri, Sep 12 2014 9:52 AM


     As far as watching videos goes Lonnie, at a payout rate of 2 credits each and a listed average time of 17.5 minutes it should only take me a little over 254 hours of watching videos to be able to get an upgraded driver.

    Earning creds from videos - I would have the TM R11 (L29+) driver in less than 5 days at 2 hr. per day, multi tasking 2 screens on livegamer, even as I type I'll click and make about 5 creds in 2 mins. But livegamer is not available to everyone. I never watch them either or else I'd go crazy..more so. :D