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Earning Credits

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Sat, Sep 13 2014 10:20 AM (21 replies)
  • MichaelStroke
    2,066 Posts
    Fri, Sep 12 2014 10:24 AM


    Just spent an hour and a half attempting to do surveys. Every one disqualified me immediately except 2, one kicked me out after 10 minutes and gave 5 credits, the other had a server failure and kicked me out after about 15 minutes. As far as watching videos goes Lonnie, at a payout rate of 2 credits each and a listed average time of 17.5 minutes it should only take me a little over 254 hours of watching videos to be able to get an upgraded driver. Certainly sounds reasonable doesn't it? I'm guessing you have a lot more free time than I do if you can spend that amount of time to upgrade one piece of equipment.

    I realize I'm probably sounding quite petty about this whole issue and that isn't what I'm trying to do. I'd really just like to have some better equipment in order to be able to do better in the game and don't want to have to spend several hundred dollars to get it (not really an option to be honest). I just think the pricing per item is way too high especially with no good way of earning credits in the first place.

    Your problem is that you're wanting way too much, way too fast.  It sounds as if you think that you can go take a couple hours out of your day and get a new piece of equipment.  Doesn't work that way.  Unless you want to drop serious RL money on this place, you best take a crash course in economics and learn how to ration.  I know I've had two major gear upgrades in my tenure here - once when I was in my mid 60s, and another at level 90.

    Do you want all the best stuff immediately for a price, or do you want to play free and gear up slowly?  Pick one.

  • TopShelf2010
    10,975 Posts
    Fri, Sep 12 2014 11:14 AM


  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Fri, Sep 12 2014 11:30 AM

    The easiest place to start is to follow that link above and go to the "Watch Videos" tab. Occasionally near the top of the page there will be videos that offer up to five credits each if you click on a green box.

    Then there might be a black box where all you have to do is start the video in the box. Wait until a small red box pops up at the top right of the video,; that should happen 1 second to 1 minute into the video, even if the listed video time is longer. You do not have to play the entire video. That red box is the sign you get the credits offered for that particular video. Usually 1-3 credits each. Click on the red box and move on to the next video. When the top of the box displays "Done!", refresh the page and the credits should then be added to your total.

    Below that is are the videos offering usually 2 credits each. Click on each pink box and wait for the video to complete.

    The next two things on that page involve accumulating views you cash in for credits. 100 views gets you 75 credits.

    At the bottom is the carousel. Collect 1 view each for the 7 rotating boxes. Below them is a box to earn more views. Sometimes views are there, sometimes not. You can wind up getting anywhere from 7 to 200 views a day since you live in the USA and WGT has more access to advertisers here.

    Surveys are a good way to accumulate credits, but as you have observed you need to be careful with them. Do not do any survey that asks for any personally identifiable information, be it an email or your name, address, etc.  Don't give them anything that leads back to you specifically. Be aware that you are on your own, though, since you will receive no support from WGT with regards to surveys. They can be extremely frustrating and as you already know some companies will lead you on, having you answer 25-30 minutes worth of questions only to give you nothing in return.

    I've been here over 7 years and supported myself this way. Never entered a credit card anywhere. Never did an offer that required one. I quit keeping track of how many credits accumulated when I went by $750.00 worth in year 4. Most of that I have used sending "random acts of kindness" gifts to unsuspecting recipients. I find it very rewarding.

    Just be patient and flexible. And pay attention to the source of the offer. Some are more reliable than others. Likewise, some days, weeks and months are better and more reliable than others for accumulating "free" credits. They do require a huge time investment as opposed to investing money. They are not really "free".

    Just subtract the time you spend acquiring credits from the time you allot to the game overall. You may not play as many hours or games each day as you would like but you can still play a lot of games with no cash out of pocket..

  • SemoMike
    1 Posts
    Fri, Sep 12 2014 1:07 PM

    So wanting something better than the starter equipment (after reaching level 30) in order to be able to play better is considered "wanting too much too fast" From most of the replies I've received, I can see it's considered "normal and acceptable" to have to spend at least 2+ hours a day, every day, for many weeks and even months just to accumulate enough credits for a single club. I'm not talking top of the line, max level clubs, just a decent upgrade for someone at level 30. That simply amazes me. Probably time for me to just give up on this because I certainly don't have that kind of free time available and I don't see me making much improvement with the gear I have. Just the way it goes I suppose.

  • MichaelStroke
    2,066 Posts
    Fri, Sep 12 2014 3:09 PM

    Know what happens when you get the best clubs at level 30?  They're junk at level 40, and the whining continues.

    If you're wanting to have a bag full of clubs after 2 days that are marginally better than starters, then having the same problems a couple weeks later and complaining about the gear issues, then yeah - I'd suggest Tiger Woods Online.

  • 1yes1no
    223 Posts
    Fri, Sep 12 2014 3:16 PM

    The advice above from srellim234 is sound. Why you think it takes weeks and months to "accumulate enough credits for a single club", I do not know.  I spent 2 hours today and accumulated about 600 credits which will get a good club, an upgraded set of irons, or with a few more credits, an upgraded set of clubs. It will even get you a nice new set of clothes for your avatar.


    People here will try to help you, but only you can decide what to do with the information they provide.

  • JFidanza
    1,676 Posts
    Fri, Sep 12 2014 8:24 PM


    I certainly don't have that kind of free time available 

    Point taken. But I don't think many people have much free time, but I do have a free hand (my left hand) and when I'm online (many people spend at least 1 hour on the web per day) I make use of that left hand on that forgotten laptop that's good enough to click a button (God knows if I can play WGT I can click a button w/ my left hand and get free creds) So, if you spend time reading news, FB, email, entertainment or whatever I'd make use of that other hand that's just sitting there and get a few creds in a few minutes. I just got 2 sleeves of callie 37 yellows, they are a nice value.

    And I agree with a few observations that are true which are that the best clubs don't produce an instantly better game. As soon as I switched to my high level Nikes my rate of 3 Eagles per week went down to 1 Eagle every 3 weeks. Go figure. GL


  • 1yes1no
    223 Posts
    Fri, Sep 12 2014 11:09 PM

    Free credits do not yet make a perfect swing.

    749 Posts
    Sat, Sep 13 2014 1:18 AM

    Despite contacting  the companies that supply surveys etc  lucky if i get offered 2 surveys in any six months was good at the start, and every few days a video from supersonic worth 2creds..Love the game just be nice even if we got few more survey offers here in Ireland.

  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Sat, Sep 13 2014 3:44 AM

    It doesn't take all that much free time if you are patient. As the adage goes, "Slow and steady wins the race." 

    This morning was quite typical of many of my days. I logged on while the coffee was brewing and checked things out with the videos. Picked up 14 credits in green box videos, 9 black box credits in less than 5 minutes. That's it for the session. I know they will add up over time.

    Later I will invest 3 1/2 minutes getting the automatic 7 views offered on the carousel since those videos are only 15-30 seconds each. Again, they will add up over time to 75 credits earned every time I get to 100 views.

    Many times I'll set the laptop off to the side of what I'm doing (helping kids with homework, watching tv, cleaning the house, etc.) to get the other videos. I just click on one and do whatever I originally intended to do. If I happen to notice the video is done I'll take a second or two to advance to the next one if one is available. A video might be done for quite a while before I actually collect for it.

    It doesn't take huge chunks of spare time to do it. Just identify unobtrusive ways to incorporate videos into the few seconds you have here and there.