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Circle of Precision,and Forgiveness

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Fri, Sep 19 2014 10:36 AM (14 replies)
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  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Fri, Sep 12 2014 6:03 PM

    Does anyone have an educated guess what those circles are for the best irons WGT has to offer ( L97 Nikes) ?

    Does 18 yards sound anywhere near to being close? Someone was telling me that maybe because of these butt wipes that have to use a cheat to play the game that WGT may have kicked up the deviation to try and counter this.

    You guys that use anything to help screw your WGT friends are a bunch of low life nogood self centered DICK HEADS, and I hope that one day ( and it will come ) when you get caught and kicked out of the community .  That will make you feel proud won't it .

    But anyway if someone does have an idea on th e circle thing ,please reply.


    Gary (woodo) 

  • pacrsfan
    40 Posts
    Fri, Sep 12 2014 6:25 PM

    I don.t know for sure but my guess would be that the circle for a 64 wedge would be smaller than for a 3 I

    I would think the longer the club the bigger the circle

    not positive though


    7 Posts
    Fri, Sep 12 2014 9:28 PM

    Does anyone know why i am receiving this error message when i try to play a round or especially EDIT MY EQUIPMENT?  WGT is having problems loading an asset.
    This is usually because of an Internet connectivity issue.
    If you encounter the error on the same asset repeatedly, flush your cache.
    Do you want to try reloading this asset.

    I am positive it is NOT a connectivity issue. i have been having this problem for 4 or 5 days now.  Help is greatly appreciated. D.D.

  • MainzMan
    9,591 Posts
    Fri, Sep 12 2014 10:03 PM

    18 yards sounds a bit extreme.  I assume you had a shot go either way off line or way off length?

    I agree with the previous post regarding a wedge having a smaller circle than a 3 iron.  It would be crazy if they were the same.  A circle is a nice way to visualise the effect but I think an angle of deviation as the ball leaves the club face is probably more accurate.  That way, the further the ball travels, the greater the potential amount it can go off line or length.

    In all honesty I can't say I've noticed any difference recently though.  I have the odd bad round but that's usually when I'm not concentrating properly.

  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Sat, Sep 13 2014 4:20 AM

    Yep MM way way off  par 3  tail wind at 12:00 dinged the shot never moved the marker, ball lands 9 yards to the right of the pin. 

    Not talking about wedges , all about (L97) Nike irons with the Nike (L42 ) red vapor ball.

    The way I understood it was each set of clubs have 2 circles i for precision ,the other for forgiveness, the better the clubs the smaller the circles,and that the ball may land anywhere within the circles. It may wind up on the outer edge of the circle,but would not go outside of it.

    So how else can WGT combat the LOW LIFES ,back stabbing ,scum that is using some kind of cheat ,but to mess with deviation . This not just happening to me ,I can produce quotes from other players without posting their names. I am finally fed up , after the ad getting thru WGT on a cheat program, and seeing that video where a guy had the ability to let the meter run normal up to a certain point then slow it down to a crawl, then have goal post to show you where to aim for your approach shot that was enough for me.

    Its time to weed these ass holes out do everything you can to find them and report, look at a players stats if you think he may be cheating thats going to tell you a lot I think. Send in a report to WGT for an investigation we have to do this , it's up to us , we are the ones being affected. Enough is Enough

    Who ever you guys are you better drop the cheats now play normal ,or get caught and kicked off WGT, and don't think well all they will do is suspend my account for a week ,I think you will be gone for good.  

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Sat, Sep 13 2014 5:03 AM

    Woodo I am not seeing that extreme a wandering at all, and neither should any one with those irons.  Now when they very first came out it was different for a very short period of time for several.  I say several as it was far from all, but then suddenly the started working.  Now say at Andys some of those apparently more tail winds one cam angle can be a slight cross wind looking at the other, and in high winds that can be a but effect (high spin irons / ball) but you would know all that I appreciate.

    And BTW I saw all that stuff in the forums too.  26s at Kiawah would be v easy v often if they really work and they looked like they did.  Sad state of affairs WGT seems so powerless to combat anything of meaning.  Still wondering what Buttercup (not real avatar name) was smoking shooting 31 at a Merion F9 RG day 1 with starter clubs so maybe even more out there. 

  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Sat, Sep 13 2014 8:57 AM

    Please don't wonder of topic, is the circle theory true are just an assumption.  Something has to determine the range of precision with these irons ,I just want to know what it is.


  • spdemon
    1,588 Posts
    Sat, Sep 13 2014 9:10 AM


    Please don't wonder of topic, is the circle theory true are just an assumption.  Something has to determine the range of precision with these irons ,I just want to know what it is.


    there is a thread about it somewhere will try to dig it up bro but it doesn't say how big it really is though 

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Sat, Sep 13 2014 9:17 AM

    there is a thread about it somewhere will try to dig it up bro but it doesn't say how big it really is though 

    I never saved the link, but this is what was said in the one I saw. WGTniv:

    Forgiveness shifts the precision circle left or right (and usually short) depending on how much you mishit and what the forgiveness rating of the club is.  Clubs with lesser forgiveness ratings shift the circle left/right more on mishits.

    This is why (especially on low precision clubs) you can mishit slightly right of the mark and have the ball go left instead.  Mishitting right shifts the circle to the right, but part of the circle is still "leftover" on the left side of the flag, so it has the potential to land there. WGTniv:

    The game is pretty simple.  Precision controls your accuracy.  Imagine it's like a circle that surrounds the flagstick when you aim at it.  The size of that circle is related to the precision rating.  The higher the rating the smaller the circle.  Your ball can land anywhere in the circle on a dinged shot (left or right, long or short).  It will ALWAYS land in the circle on a ding shot, though sometimes it may land in the center of the circle and sometimes it may land on the very outer edge or anywhere in between those two points.  When it lands on the outer edge this is what you guys have come to know as "the beast".  Was the shot pre-programmed? Does it know you're standing on the 17th hole at Kiawah?  No, it's just unfortunate timing.  The result you see is the logical spread dictated by the precision rating of the club over 100 or 1,000 or 10,000 shots taken on the site.  No matter how big or small the sample it'samazingly consistent because it is after all only a simple mathematical formula.  The shot data is spread out amongst all users, so there will be times when you run into a lot of "edge cases" (aka deviations, aka outside edge of the precision circle) and times where you seemingly can't miss the center (even when you mishit).  This is the ebb and flow of the game and it's always been there.  In the short term you will have "bad" days and "good" days.  In the long term (providing they are using the same clubs) any one player will see the same amount of "edge cases" or "deviations" that the rest of the players do.




    Circle to help explain


    Similar thing putting by clicking here.

  • spdemon
    1,588 Posts
    Sat, Sep 13 2014 9:22 AM


    there is a thread about it somewhere will try to dig it up bro but it doesn't say how big it really is though 

    I never saved the link, but this is what was said in the one I saw. WGTniv:

    Forgiveness shifts the precision circle left or right (and usually short) depending on how much you mishit and what the forgiveness rating of the club is.  Clubs with lesser forgiveness ratings shift the circle left/right more on mishits.

    This is why (especially on low precision clubs) you can mishit slightly right of the mark and have the ball go left instead.  Mishitting right shifts the circle to the right, but part of the circle is still "leftover" on the left side of the flag, so it has the potential to land there. WGTniv:

    The game is pretty simple.  Precision controls your accuracy.  Imagine it's like a circle that surrounds the flagstick when you aim at it.  The size of that circle is related to the precision rating.  The higher the rating the smaller the circle.  Your ball can land anywhere in the circle on a dinged shot (left or right, long or short).  It will ALWAYS land in the circle on a ding shot, though sometimes it may land in the center of the circle and sometimes it may land on the very outer edge or anywhere in between those two points.  When it lands on the outer edge this is what you guys have come to know as "the beast".  Was the shot pre-programmed? Does it know you're standing on the 17th hole at Kiawah?  No, it's just unfortunate timing.  The result you see is the logical spread dictated by the precision rating of the club over 100 or 1,000 or 10,000 shots taken on the site.  No matter how big or small the sample it'samazingly consistent because it is after all only a simple mathematical formula.  The shot data is spread out amongst all users, so there will be times when you run into a lot of "edge cases" (aka deviations, aka outside edge of the precision circle) and times where you seemingly can't miss the center (even when you mishit).  This is the ebb and flow of the game and it's always been there.  In the short term you will have "bad" days and "good" days.  In the long term (providing they are using the same clubs) any one player will see the same amount of "edge cases" or "deviations" that the rest of the players do.




    Circle to help explain


    Similar thing putting by clicking here.

    i played the andies (no wind ) tournie a while back jim and noticed the so called circles had the same full 60 shot into the green a lot and hitting the ding netted totally different results 

    usually going left or right of the pin 62-64 yrds never moving the aim marker with the bs that happens of course 

    with a ding off the tee and the 2nd as well with the wedge

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