Yep MM way way off par 3 tail wind at 12:00 dinged the shot never moved the marker, ball lands 9 yards to the right of the pin.
Not talking about wedges , all about (L97) Nike irons with the Nike (L42 ) red vapor ball.
The way I understood it was each set of clubs have 2 circles i for precision ,the other for forgiveness, the better the clubs the smaller the circles,and that the ball may land anywhere within the circles. It may wind up on the outer edge of the circle,but would not go outside of it.
So how else can WGT combat the LOW LIFES ,back stabbing ,scum that is using some kind of cheat ,but to mess with deviation . This not just happening to me ,I can produce quotes from other players without posting their names. I am finally fed up , after the ad getting thru WGT on a cheat program, and seeing that video where a guy had the ability to let the meter run normal up to a certain point then slow it down to a crawl, then have goal post to show you where to aim for your approach shot that was enough for me.
Its time to weed these ass holes out do everything you can to find them and report, look at a players stats if you think he may be cheating thats going to tell you a lot I think. Send in a report to WGT for an investigation we have to do this , it's up to us , we are the ones being affected. Enough is Enough
Who ever you guys are you better drop the cheats now play normal ,or get caught and kicked off WGT, and don't think well all they will do is suspend my account for a week ,I think you will be gone for good.