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Stroke Play and Blitz Bugs

rated by 0 users
Tue, Oct 19 2010 1:35 AM (0 replies)
  • blawknox
    11 Posts
    Tue, Oct 19 2010 1:35 AM

    1.  In a foursome i'm -4 thru 4;  player quits game freezes were all done and i lose what could have been a good round. Now I don't care if a guy qiuts but I do care when the game freezes and its happened alot.

    If you want to keep these guys from quitting to save there avg. Then give them bogey on hole they quit and each hole left in round and make score count.

    If your playing a ranked round buy yourself nobody cares; so you should be able to quit.

    In the long run i'm only hurting my own game.

    Just got done playing round at STA front 9. Were on 9th hole 2 of us have putted out; third guy is putting for par tells us hes not going to finish and he doesnt. Game not only gave him the put but a birdie put and final score. Is this a bug or what?

    2. The game of BLITZ --------- Playing in threesome;  guy puts his shot 11' from hole, i put mine 1'-9" from hole and he wins the hole whats going on with that? Need to fix that scenario.

    These are just a couple of things WGT needs to get a handle on. It's a fun online game and I enjoy playing it. I've spent good money buying credits so as to improve my game and like 95% of the other people playing am competitive. I dont mind losing if it's fair.

    But the above scenarios are not and if it keeps happening i will certainly lose interest.

    If you think I'm just another guy bitching then credit my money back and I'll get lost.

    THE  END