In Gas's defense he was tired, I know because he couldn't even finish a round we started that night without falling asleep. I'd say he ran out of fingers and toes but he only had to go to 7.
You and your friends would be welcome to join us at The Wooden Tee CC.
I've sent you a friend invite. Please accept it if you wish to discuss more or ask any questions.
I've also sent a friend invite to the 2 friends who've joined in this thread.
We had a dead CC because of an AWOL owner for over 2 months, so we started a new one. Black Diamond if you are interested. Started CC just after new CC policy so we had to migrate people over as we moved up tiers. Got all the active players out of old club. We're at level 5 cc and about to hit level 6. If you are interested, send me friend invite.
Come on over and give WTCC a try. Dazza is a great owner. There are many tourneys available at all times. Both free and pay.
I am positive that there are plenty of CCs that are looking for players. Good luck to you all. I'm hoping there will be more options available for CCs in the future. Such co-ownership.
WGTyphoon: I'm hoping there will be more options available for CCs in the future. Such co-ownership. -WGTyphoon
I'm hoping there will be more options available for CCs in the future. Such co-ownership.
Only hoping?
Does that mean it may not be possible for an owner to share some / all responsibilities to an officer?
dbadeaux: GASPEDAL:There are 6 members of a dead CC looking for a home. Our owner has been missing for 2 months. We are 2 TLs 2 Ls and 1 TM. I would just like to clear up that while we all love Gas and appreciate his initiative and drive we do not condone his butchering of simple math. 2 TL's + 2 L's + 1 TM does NOT equal 6 members. LMAO Anyway, we have 3 TL's, the rest is correct. He's never fully accepted me as a TL *sob*.
GASPEDAL:There are 6 members of a dead CC looking for a home. Our owner has been missing for 2 months. We are 2 TLs 2 Ls and 1 TM.
I would just like to clear up that while we all love Gas and appreciate his initiative and drive we do not condone his butchering of simple math.
2 TL's + 2 L's + 1 TM does NOT equal 6 members. LMAO
Anyway, we have 3 TL's, the rest is correct. He's never fully accepted me as a TL *sob*.
My bad, 2 TL's, 1 tl (lower case), 2 Legends, and 1 TM LOL