IRISHPUNK:Now that you mention it....
Okay here we go. Play by play; ALL IN FUN.
Hey folks . We're here at the Golf Channel getting geared up for what is going to be one of the more exciting events the Golf Channels has televised in some time. We have the top 4 WGT computer golf gamers here with us ready for action. They have their monitors set up and mice in place.
First to click off,,I mean tee off is joshmostien. Okay lets get the camera panned in there Larry so that our viewers can get a good look at that monitor. Okay now let me explain to our audience just in case they are completely unaware of how this game is played and why the hell the Golf Channel is even televising it. What we have here folk is,,,,,,,,ahhh,,,.Ya know what, why not just watch these gentlemen and lady of course on there computers and you will eventually get the idea of how the game is played and when you should ding and not ding.
Hang with me now folks. It gets going in a minute here.,,,(in the background you hear - Ding! ) OOO! Who just dinged? It was slushysleeze with a dead on DING but a deviation took it waaaay off course. A deviation folks is a ,,,,,ahhh. Ya know what. Just watch folks and enjoy. See you at the turn {:< )
My play by play - all in FUN.