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Cancelled: Live Event

Fri, Oct 3 2014 7:13 AM (56 replies)
  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Thu, Sep 25 2014 9:39 PM

    What this site needs is someone that can organize.

  • WGTdbloshoe
    2,840 Posts
    Thu, Sep 25 2014 10:35 PM


    Regional get togethers  sounds doable. You have to keep it reasonable, not $200+ . I think WGT will have to supply the point guy/girl as I don't see somebody spending their time and money on this.

    Hope you can put something together.

    Regional events would not involve WGT charging anything.  We would help with finding players and such.  Then we would send out some WGT Swag to the players that attended.  But no money would be going to us. 


    - WGTdbloshoe

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Fri, Sep 26 2014 12:11 AM


    What this site needs is someone that can organize.

    Funny, I was thinking the same thing.......many ideas have gone down the pan or not come to fruition as intended.


  • Fraenkel
    2,252 Posts
    Fri, Sep 26 2014 4:49 AM

    I'm sorry that there has been a lack of initial interest but it was definitely worth and it was not a final rule in view of the initial comments.Come to what Courteney says, it definitely miss someone who knows how to organize "live" events with a minimum criterion. 

    It was the first ever live event. No it will be.

    Rather than organize this kind of event in a manner so "exaggerated" with three days full immersion, I personally would have organized something like an "Open Day at the WGT Home" but only at the conclusion of the Virtual Championship and maybe with a prizegiving, of course irrespective of the winners availability and with a closing date in order to find further support in case of high adhesion. 


    409 Posts
    Fri, Sep 26 2014 5:25 AM

    Fmaggs Just wants to complain.   All I see is an attempt from Fmaggs to shoot down a very good idea for WGT and its members.   Not everyone agrees with your opinion Fmaggs.   

     I for one didn't care who they named or when they named them.   Living here in West Palm Beach I would have made the drive and was looking very much forward to putting some names with faces.    When it comes to having one of these LIVE EVENTS.  I don't see any better place then Orlando.  Its one of the Biggest Venues for any Live Gamer Event/Tourney   All the Big ones are held their.  Call Of Duty.  Halo.  Etc.   Fact that WGT is thinking of this type of Event is encouraging.     

    Every Other month we hear how this game we all love was being compromised. By cheats. sandbagging. Etc.   This in my eyes was a chance to see if some of these  Soooo Called Top Players on WGT were for real.   As it sits all we how now is speculation.   This guy uses a cheat. No that guy is using software.     If a player can shoot  53,54,53,55  in our biggest major and claim the biggest prize WGT has to offer.    I say make him prove it and show us all how he did it.     Until that happens I just draw my own conclusions.   WGT is half gamers half cheats.  Who's Who?  Guess we will never know.       Doc    

  • overtheedge
    5,885 Posts
    Fri, Sep 26 2014 5:52 AM

    As it sits all we how now is speculation.   This guy uses a cheat. No that guy is using software.     If a player can shoot  53,54,53,55  in our biggest major and claim the biggest prize WGT has to offer.    I say make him prove it and show us all how he did it.     Until that happens I just draw my own conclusions.   WGT is half gamers half cheats.  Who's Who?  Guess we will never know.       Doc  

    Right on man.

    WGT will NEVER be able to pull off a live event. NEVER. For sooo many reason with this being one of the top 3.

    Come on man! ,,LOL. There have been soooo many variables mentioned just in these couple pages and we haven't even skimmed the surface. 

    Im just saying. WGT needs to put this to rest and not lead people to think that they would take on a project / event of this caliber. This goes without saying, they will / would never even come close to incorporating the amount of sponsorship needed to pull off such an event and,,,and WGT would never and will never invest the kind of money needed for this event IF there is even the slightest chance that the event would be a bust.

    4,019 Posts
    Fri, Sep 26 2014 6:07 AM


    While Golf Channel won't be co-hosting the WGT LIVE event in Dec, they're still covering the Virtual Tour online and interviewing the Tour Legend winners from the Virtual Tour majors in Sep and Nov, as well as the Virtual Tour Championship in Dec, so great exposure.

    LOL,,,, This is just to funny. Im sorry but if anyone really "believed" that this was going to be a televised event then you may want reeeally take an honest look at this game. It is an "ON-LINE COMPUTER GAME".

    Come on man. Does any one honestly think that a top rated Golf Channel "televise" a group of guys/woman sitting in a room  in front of computer monitors playing a computer on line golf game. Come on man,,lol. too funny. 

    Now that you mention it....   

    409 Posts
    Fri, Sep 26 2014 6:44 AM

    I can name the Top 4 TL's     Its not hard.     Bollux, Dan, Sebi, and JJ.  With an honorable mention to Yoban And Jmoney who also would fit in great with this group.        Their is your EVENT.   I will pay the 200 Bucks early bird fee  to watch those 5 play and see Just How They Do It.    And Make Them Prove It.          Doc 

  • overtheedge
    5,885 Posts
    Fri, Sep 26 2014 6:46 AM

    Now that you mention it....


    Okay here we go. Play by play; ALL IN FUN.

    Hey folks . We're here at the Golf Channel getting geared up for what is going to be one of the more exciting events the Golf Channels has televised in some time. We have the top 4 WGT computer golf gamers here with us ready for action. They have their monitors set up and mice in place. 

    First to click off,,I mean tee off is joshmostien. Okay lets get the camera panned in there Larry so that our viewers can get a good look at that monitor. Okay now let me explain to our audience just in case they are completely unaware of how this game is played and why the hell the Golf Channel is even televising it. What we have here folk is,,,,,,,,ahhh,,,.Ya know what, why not  just watch these gentlemen and lady of course on there computers and you will eventually get the idea of how the game is played and when you should ding and not ding.

    Hang with me now folks. It gets going in a minute here.,,,(in the background you hear - Ding! ) OOO! Who just dinged? It was slushysleeze with a dead on DING but a deviation took it waaaay off course. A deviation folks is a ,,,,,ahhh. Ya know what. Just watch folks and enjoy. See you at the turn  {:< ) 

    My play by play - all in FUN.

  • fmagnets
    3,640 Posts
    Fri, Sep 26 2014 7:13 AM


    All I see is an attempt from Fmaggs to shoot down a very good idea for WGT and its members.  

    And whereabouts are you looking to draw this conclusion, you deluded driveller? I am for a well organised Live Event held in Orlando in December, as plainly stated earlier in this thread. I am against a poorly organised, last minute hash of a Live Event as plainly stated in another thread. Who is it that you think disagrees with this?