We will be having a downtime tonight. Most will just be back end. We will be down from 10 pm local San Fran time. We should be down for 4 ish hours. Talk to you all when we are back up and running.
- WGTdbloshoe
Appreciate the heads up. Now, I can get back on the road.
Thanks for the heads up.
Past my bedtime but I alerted our European members in The Peoples Club.
always nice to know when not to bother even trying to play, thanks
saluting with crossed fingers :) tyvm shoe and crew
I'd like to see Chat from a full screen.
errr.....the 'q'....lol
OK Shoe, then I guess it will be a late night for me during Maintenance down time. If you need me I'll be raking out all of those sand traps..lol .........The "Sand Trap Man"
Thanks for the heads up shoe.
But now I am going to have to watch a movie with my wife