If wgt cares more about revenue, why not drop the pass requirement and let members play as much as they want to. You will get more ball wear than pass sale.
Not quite true but close.
Each CC Pass costs 37 credits and ball wear for a 9 hole round is about 27 credits (based on a 400 credit / sleeve ball).
Open to all without a pass is indeed 27 credits of ball usage but lost revenue of 37 credits.
Open to all who enter the first with a CC Pass and then can play unlimited would be an option BUT even that does not pan out for WGT unless there is a desire on the part of one member to get the perks the clash may bring.
In which case:
The biggest return for WGT is indeed from a member without a super pass buying passes like crazy to get the perk they wanted.
Of course we have no clue as to exactly what perks those will be. Maybe we will learn before the first is rolled out?
Learning ahead of time instead of discovering it by accident would be nice....
OK one addition - no one will buy a pass and play unless they want the specific perk - so yes WGT may be shutting those members out of playing - BUT they will probably just play another round in the CC or on WGT so maybe the ball wear is still there anyway.