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Bunker Shots ~ Flop? Pitch??

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Wed, Aug 17 2016 12:27 PM (27 replies)
  • Als6437
    428 Posts
    Tue, Jul 26 2016 5:50 AM

    Your best option out of bunkers is a full shot with a wedge, especially if you have higher end wedges.


  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Tue, Jul 26 2016 7:30 AM

    If it's a flattish greenside bunker with some green to work with and a decent lie, say 20-30%(*30-40+% needs further tests).

    Look in reverse view from the camera behing the pin -

     If you can see your avatars lower calf muscles, you can pitch it.

    If you can see his knees, you can punch it.

    I am postulating this new theory of mine here, today.

    I would welcome any player to try it and bring back their results for evaluation.



    Meanwhile in a place far, far away.....




  • Young46
    1,298 Posts
    Tue, Jul 26 2016 10:55 AM

    If you know your fairway distances, this is a good video to help with bunker distances. 

  • RodneyBlake
    510 Posts
    Tue, Jul 26 2016 8:21 PM



    So on my mulligan game I tried a bunch of shots from bunkers with the flop shot and the pitch shot.  These let me take a bigger swing which seemed to be a good thing.  They all worked really well and I was sold.  I probably tried about 20 or so shots total, from lies of about 20-40%.

    Now enter my next ranked game and I end up in a bunker...despite trying to play the hole long and clear it...but that's another story.  So I'm in this bunker, big lip, not too far to the pin, and a 40-50% lie.  Flop shot I think.  Well it flopped all right!  1 yard shot.  I should have learned my lesson and tried something else, but I thought, "It has to work, I used it over 20 times on practice shots!"  I tried to pitch it...same results.  Then I try full and I have to go really light because the pin is so close...and it doesn't make it out either.  Finally, after adding about 4 strokes to the hole, I just hit it 10 yards past the flag so that I knew it would get out.

    So...what gives?  How come flop and pitch worked so well for all my practice holes and then failed me so suddenly?  What are some strategies for low power shots with a full swing?  Any helpful discoveries out there?

    I am no expert but I always use a full shot with full bs out off all bunkers.

    I think the reason your pitch and flop shots where working in mulligan mode is that you were in 20-40% sand compared to 40-50% sand in your  game


  • virtualreality
    122 Posts
    Wed, Jul 27 2016 12:21 AM

    In my experience,kiawah and bethpage black are the only courses where u can use pitch and flop shots with confidence on any kind of lie.

    All other courses you use only full shot out of a bunker.

  • ostfriedel
    2,052 Posts
    Wed, Jul 27 2016 1:52 AM

    Well, I dont have much expieriences with bunker shots, har har  ;o))

    Paul and Rodney are right, 20-25 or 30-40 sand are good for a flop.

    I for myself add about the half distance to the flop then, like 16 for 11.

    40-50 sand is better to play with a full shot after a little prayer to Odin.

    Never tried a pitch from sand. My suggestion is that it could roll too long.

    And yes, a 64 instead of a 60 degree wedge would surely help a lot.

  • oneeyedjohn
    9,588 Posts
    Wed, Jul 27 2016 3:09 AM

    U can flop a 40-50, but u have to be real close to the lip.

    Bethpage #15 is good example of how a flop works from a bunker, it is a 25-30 lie, aim 5 fet left and hit 8 feet more than the distance, it will come back to the hole.

  • Titulescu
    244 Posts
    Thu, Aug 4 2016 7:19 AM

    For every bunker shot I use a 64wedge, just double the distance to the hole and you will land within 1 to 2 yards

  • peoch
    1,127 Posts
    Thu, Aug 4 2016 11:48 AM


    I've been trying to stay out of the bunkers...but since I still get in them I thought I'd practice a bunch with mulligans and try to figure them out.

    I once read that you should always use Full for the swing, but it's hard when you have a short shot and a big lip.  Seems like the wedges aren't very effective below 30% and I thought the fuller swing of a flop or pitch might be better.  And I also thought that a flop was designed to loft it out of a hole, like a bunker with a big lip, right?

    So on my mulligan game I tried a bunch of shots from bunkers with the flop shot and the pitch shot.  These let me take a bigger swing which seemed to be a good thing.  They all worked really well and I was sold.  I probably tried about 20 or so shots total, from lies of about 20-40%.

    Now enter my next ranked game and I end up in a bunker...despite trying to play the hole long and clear it...but that's another story.  So I'm in this bunker, big lip, not too far to the pin, and a 40-50% lie.  Flop shot I think.  Well it flopped all right!  1 yard shot.  I should have learned my lesson and tried something else, but I thought, "It has to work, I used it over 20 times on practice shots!"  I tried to pitch it...same results.  Then I try full and I have to go really light because the pin is so close...and it doesn't make it out either.  Finally, after adding about 4 strokes to the hole, I just hit it 10 yards past the flag so that I knew it would get out.

    So...what gives?  How come flop and pitch worked so well for all my practice holes and then failed me so suddenly?  What are some strategies for low power shots with a full swing?  Any helpful discoveries out there?


    Take a look at garypinhunters site lots of help or all the help y need. lol



  • rfgraham1
    2,739 Posts
    Sat, Aug 6 2016 3:16 AM

    A very good legend gave me the following formula and I find it works fairly well. I use a 60 wedge (High trajectory), full shot and full back spin.

    First go to putt view to check the roll on the green.

    Second add maximum height usually found close to the edge of the bunker to the distance to pin. Multiply this by the following.

    15/20 x 1.175

    30/40 x 1.35

    40/50 x 1.45

    60/70 try x 1.65 but it is still hit and hope.

    These are for tournament speed, you need to adjust for other green speeds.

    There are a few 15/20 shots on Bethpage were a flop can work well but as with any type of shot it depends on many variables whether or not it will work for you.
