Usually after a night of reflection, I find my initial reaction to be over the top. Not here though, still as annoyed.
WGT tease us with "This new feature is coming in, one that you've all been crying out for for ages" but then they enter the process with "How can we squeeze as much money out of them as possible?" and leave "What would give the best user experience" way down the list.
They aren't stupid, and are a business after all but after cocking up the initial CC upgrade with unrealistic levelling and a Bank feature that's been 'coming soon' since it appeared, they then expect us to be overjoyed with this next 'Cash for Clash' debarcle.
If wgt are still wondering about all this negative feedback let me sum it up for you. It's not a fair system.
Regardless of the individual matches(and their win bonus), this is all about the overall leaderboard. A leaderboard ranked by total points. Of course the clubs with most members are going to be top of this, as they are on the CC XP Leaderboard. There are many decent smaller clubs who would have to play 3 or 4 times as much each(and pay for it of course) just to get a look in regardless of how well their round went. Is that fair? You can match individual matches a close as you want(although that seems messed up too) but it doesn't change the bigger picture.
You could have had separate leagues for different member level ranges with prizes for each league winner. Would have given more a realistic change of winning something and probably got more passes bought.
The most annoying thing is that I think you know what we really want but don't care much for it. You have obviously put a lot of effort into this, time most CCs would have preferred you to sort the bank feature out. or enabled us to change/cancel CC comps. or bring in 8 person bracket. or enable us to pick who enters comps.
or any of the other many requests that have fallen on deaf ears for a long time.
But where's the profit in that eh? None you probably think. Well keep this up and you might just find not only your CC pass income drop, but also players leaving the game in disgust of your greed.
Here's a job for you at WGT HQ today. Go and look at how many times the WK 41 CLOSEST-TO-THE-HOLE CHALLENGE has been played this week compared to the weeks before. Then figure out why. That will hopefully change your mindset going forward.