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I'm on strike !!!!!!!

rated by 0 users
Sat, Oct 11 2014 9:14 PM (24 replies)
  • stevereilly
    5,915 Posts
    Sat, Oct 11 2014 2:29 AM

    WGT   continues to treat us the paying members with disdain.   Well,  from now on I'm not spending another penny/ dime/ euro on this game.

    I'll honour my cc prize commitments but after that,  it'll be starter  balls only if i can be arsed to play....

  • mikkibednar
    6 Posts
    Sat, Oct 11 2014 3:05 AM

    Steve mate, as a Villa Fan you should be used to disappointment (we are at QPR).. It would be a shame to lose a great player like you.  Like us Simply DON'T PLAY CLUB CLASH (stupid name anyway)!!!   All the Best Mikki...   #UP THE VILLA#  

  • DarkWolf55
    177 Posts
    Sat, Oct 11 2014 4:03 AM

    I feel the same way! If WGT if your going to steal from us could you at least NOT MAKE IT SO OBVIOUS? i just had a 75 yard shot, I hit the 80 yard club dead on the dinger with a 13 mile an hour wind behind me pushing the ball and the ball went 52 yards right in the middle of a little skinny creek! I've been on greens where the dots show the greens going right, hit the dinger right on and the ball GOES LEFT! There's no way thinks like this should be happening unless you have the game rigged that way. I live on a monthly disability check and to have you somehow make an 80 yard club with 13 mile an hour winds behind go 52 yards where just happens to be water to make us have to buy more EXPENSIVE balls is JUST TO MUCH!!!!!!!!


  • TopShelf2010
    10,976 Posts
    Sat, Oct 11 2014 4:16 AM


  • DarkWolf55
    177 Posts
    Sat, Oct 11 2014 4:52 AM

    Me to Steve, I wrote a post a little bit ago that they haven't posted yet and not sure they will, I was so angry that now I'm not sure just what I said or if I even spelled anything right LOL. If they do post it I'll fix all or any mistakes I've made and will ptobably add a few things to it now that I've calmed down a little. There are things players should know about how WGT is ripping us off and if they don't post them here I'll find some other way to let people know. Somethings just have to stop!

  • filmslayer
    2,341 Posts
    Sat, Oct 11 2014 5:29 AM

    i reached that point a couple of months ago and have returned to buying balls from videos and surveys ... 

  • gdog8
    1,356 Posts
    Sat, Oct 11 2014 6:22 AM

    WGT, Is like a bully, they will keep doing what there doing in the name of profit and greed without any regard to fairness of play, respect for the game and most important respect for the wgt community as a whole.  It is to bad that the only way that we could teach them to change there ways would be to have a set day or days during the week where no wgt player buys or consumes anything of cost.  Hence hitting them on the bottom line is the only way to invoke change.   I, know this is a almost impossible task but something has to be done for the betterment of the game and to affect there bottom line through actions of a majority of players.  Just my two bits-ty and cheers GD

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Sat, Oct 11 2014 7:51 AM

    I am not yet sure WGT get the magnitude of what they have done.

    They were cagey with information before this rolled out, and some of that was the speed it rushed through but a lot was down to withholding information too.

    For some good time I have been dubious over any XP race.  It's a measure of passes used as much as anything, and to therefore call it a measure of clubs activity is nefarious anyway.   Any one going for that after this I think needs to think what they are supporting.  Fine use a free pass, and that will give as good a measure as any other anyway and probably more accurately.

    What WGT should be doing is apologising for this ill contrived debacle which transpired through design or ignorance to a rort.  WGT need to think long and hard as what they have done is very serious, very serious indeed. This is a business and ignorance is not a defense is not an excusable reason, and so credits should also be refunded.  

    If anyone chases this nonsense again well I don't understand it for one.


  • gmaster007
    2,101 Posts
    Sat, Oct 11 2014 9:04 AM


    I am not yet sure WGT get the magnitude of what they have done.

    They were cagey with information before this rolled out, and some of that was the speed it rushed through but a lot was down to withholding information too.

    For some good time I have been dubious over any XP race.  It's a measure of passes used as much as anything, and to therefore call it a measure of clubs activity is nefarious anyway.   Any one going for that after this I think needs to think what they are supporting.  Fine use a free pass, and that will give as good a measure as any other anyway and probably more accurately.

    What WGT should be doing is apologising for this ill contrived debacle which transpired through design or ignorance to a rort.  WGT need to think long and hard as what they have done is very serious, very serious indeed. This is a business and ignorance is not a defense is not an excusable reason, and so credits should also be refunded.  

    If anyone chases this nonsense again well I don't understand it for one.


    well said

  • JimbeauC
    5,835 Posts
    Sat, Oct 11 2014 9:13 AM

    buying balls from videos and surveys

    The only problem with that is that WGT makes $ from those views. What would really get them is to quit trying to get credits, at least for a while. I know not everyone has the fairly large nest egg built up as do I, but I intend to quit the surveys, vids and all. WGT doesn't really make anything off ball sales. That just gets back previous payouts. 

    If Livegamer, SuperSonic, RadiumOne, and the rest take a hit, I'm thinking WGT will feel some backlash. 

    I've been a pretty good customer of WGT and will probably be so again, but I can certainly afford a week, month, or so sort of off - still playing, still participating in a great CC, just not doing anything that puts money in WGT pockets. 

    WGT   continues to treat us the paying members with disdain.   Well,  from now on I'm not spending another penny/ dime/ euro on this game.

    In this way, I can join Steve in his strike.