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Re: The Hunt....Icn indulge me for a bit, lock as you see fit

Fri, Oct 31 2014 12:12 AM (147 replies)
  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Mon, Oct 20 2014 10:23 AM


    Here is a little tidbit of info....... One of the moderators / employees of WGT was one of the original " Rat Pack" when the cheat engine first surfaced .They plotted how to cheat and set up the program amongst themselves.There is a respected player here with all the goods on it who refused to be part of it.  It is on a screenshot and can be published here. Anyone at WGT wanna 'fess up now ? or wait for the screenshot? Your call..... Got 2 days.

    I expect to be put on moderation or banned from this forum over this. It would be consistent with the democratic way wgt handles things, and frankly I don't give a chit about this game anymore. The corruption, dishonesty and thievery here is overwhelming and not something I want to be part of.

    wow. what an interesting accusation... 

    only person that I am aware of  who match that is me... and I can tell you right now, no matter what screenshots you bring out, it's not true...

    not only did I never use a CE, but even if I could, I wouldn't.. I am just too lazy to run all these things.......

    if anyone doubting me, then there is nothing I can do, but you have my statement :)


    p.s should you be moderated for spreading misinformation? 

  • fmagnets
    3,640 Posts
    Mon, Oct 20 2014 10:25 AM


    I wouldn't know how to post a round on twitch (not managed to post a scorecard yet) and don't even know if my laptop/set-up could without affecting play.  I think this would be also be true for a few others and an excuse for any that felt they needed one.

    I had no idea how to do this either - I have the technological savvy of a half-empty ice cream cone. But I just went to Twitch and did what it said. Once you get past which broadcast tool to choose, it is plain sailing from there on.

    The only blunders were losing the picture for rounds 2 and 3 because I was playing in a different browser to the one I'd specified in the broadcast tool, and not realising I had the mic on for the first few rounds. Having had a streaming cold the last few days, you can hear sniffing all the way through the vid I posted! Dread to think what else....farting, cursing, who knows? I daren't watch it back to find out :-)

  • overtheedge
    5,885 Posts
    Mon, Oct 20 2014 10:38 AM

    p.s should you be moderated for spreading misinformation? 

    Yes, IF it is misinformation. 

  • dedBuNNy
    1,919 Posts
    Mon, Oct 20 2014 10:39 AM




    Stop the witch hunt until you can prove to a certainty that people are cheating. If you have ever been accused of doing something wrong when you are innocent then you know what I'm talking about. Accusations with out proof is a terrible thing to do to someone. 

    Suspicion is one thing ...............proof is what you need. 

    Not causing trouble....

    I noticed you don't address 'admission of guilt', as it applies to this particular topic, or is that not applicable? 

    You can't very well have a witch hunt if the witch comes waltzing into the town square, waving a wand around now can you? 

    If the witch confesses without duress closed.


    Well I'm not sure there was a whole lot of 'poking with pointy sticks or chair dunking' in this case....

    I could be wrong, I don't think fire was involved either....


     I have the technological savvy of a half-empty ice cream cone...

    Well this will just bring on all sorts of sh*t my way, but I just can't help myself.... 


    Are you a girl? I mean it just sounds like something a girl would say... write. IKR?

  • WillyBigg
    2,135 Posts
    Mon, Oct 20 2014 10:54 AM


    I've maintained that the worst thing about WGT is the allowance of wagering. If WGT got rid of the RG's and the Challenge for credit play, cheaters would disappear in an instant.

    Reporting suspected cheaters with solid proof is the best way for the wagering community to defend itself but I've never once been taken by cheaters and I never will.

    +1  or just eliminate the gift cards & any other real world prizes.

  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Mon, Oct 20 2014 11:55 AM


    It's just a shame people had to ruin this great game. All over greed,sad very very sad


    That's the thing Woodo. IMO... the game is as great as ever. If we don't submit ourselves to the weakness of others, the game is a fantastic distraction. I play rounds whether practice, ranked or Tourneys and no matter if everyone else involved is cheating- it has no effect on my play or enjoyment at all. Once credit play is removed, it's just a hell of a lot of fun.

    I came upon this site for the fun of playing virtual Golf and the immersive visuals of the photo-realistic courses. It's still the same.

  • 1yes1no
    223 Posts
    Mon, Oct 20 2014 12:21 PM


    I expect to be put on moderation or banned from this forum over this. It would be consistent with the democratic way wgt handles things, and frankly I don't give a chit about this game anymore. The corruption, dishonesty and thievery here is overwhelming and not something I want to be part of.


    wow. what an interesting accusation... 

    only person that I am aware of  who match that is me... and I can tell you right now, no matter what screenshots you bring out, it's not true...

    not only did I never use a CE, but even if I could, I wouldn't.. I am just too lazy to run all these things.......

    if anyone doubting me, then there is nothing I can do, but you have my statement :)


    p.s should you be moderated for spreading misinformation? 

    If you do squelch Romax, you will make him Babe Ruth calling his home run  before the pitch.  You have nothing to hide so why worry. 

    With todays technology I'm surprised there isn't a video.  Back in the 80's & 90's I knew people who had pictures of politicians' wives complete with negatives.  It wasn't real, but the technology of the day could make almost perfect photographs.  What is possible now?  I know.

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Mon, Oct 20 2014 12:22 PM

    I had no idea how to do this either - I have the technological savvy of a half-empty ice cream cone. But I just went to Twitch and did what it said. Once you get past which broadcast tool to choose, it is plain sailing from there on.

    I suspect I'm completely lacking in frozen dairy produce. I did sign up but all I managed was a couple on min's watching you at St A's, a google search on how do I.............? led me to .

    If that is true I'd possibly need a new CPU and probably have to increase from my current 4GB RAM.  Think I'll leave it until I can get someone more capable to take a look. Thanks anyway.

  • Romax
    1,876 Posts
    Mon, Oct 20 2014 12:27 PM

    wow. what an interesting accusation... 

    only person that I am aware of  who match that is me... and I can tell you right now, no matter what screenshots you bring out, it's not true...

    not only did I never use a CE, but even if I could, I wouldn't.. I am just too lazy to run all these things.......

    if anyone doubting me, then there is nothing I can do, but you have my statement :)


    p.s should you be moderated for spreading misinformation? 

    There is no need to point out your laziness to the community. That characteristic is painfully obvious to us all, and now to your superiors as well. Busted.!
    I do however, wonder how anyone who has never had any experience with a CE could possibly know how much "work" it is to run it.??. I have no clue if it takes 2 minutes, 2 hours or 2 days to set it up and have no intention of finding out.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Mon, Oct 20 2014 12:33 PM

    It's just a shame people had to ruin this great game. All over greed,sad very very sad

    I was trying to ignore this thread, but the above quote is partially true. A minority of players ruin it for everyone - and as CD said, primarily due to the gambling aspect. Any credit game, that minority will seek to exploit the games weaknesses.

    I do not think eliminating credit games will solve cheating - it is human nature to try and be top dog, and those with few morals will do anything to try and achieve this.

    And if WGT did stop credit games, many players simply would not play, or play a lot less as they could not fund their gameplay in the way they are accustomed too.

    It is still a great game, played by IMHO, mostly honest players and in my case, I fund my own play and do not play credit games bar the odd CC game. If I win or lose, it does not matter - for me it is about trying to set personal targets, nothing more. To play with friends, having fun is what the game should be about, not averages, scores or career earnings.

    As for witch hunts, I am divided - we have a right to know who is cheating us, but we should not be sharpening our own pitchforks, or shooting first then asking questions.

    WGT should publish lists of multi accounters, (both multiple accounts and the primary user) and known cheats  - the community is then warned and can be vigilant.

    WGT has a duty of care to protect their users and should be more proactive - by publishing lists it would give some confidence to the genuine users of the site.

    Players should have a direct email to report suspected multis.

    Finally, Romax, be prudent and sensible on your chosen route. Personally I would be surprised if Icon had knowledge of this, so approach him in private first. If that fails and you still think you have enough evidence, use a plan b - via messaging all friends to get more opinions, then post in the forum as a last resort.

    The latter will probably just succeed in getting the post removed and copping a ban.