Woodoworkery:It's just a shame people had to ruin this great game. All over greed,sad very very sad
I was trying to ignore this thread, but the above quote is partially true. A minority of players ruin it for everyone - and as CD said, primarily due to the gambling aspect. Any credit game, that minority will seek to exploit the games weaknesses.
I do not think eliminating credit games will solve cheating - it is human nature to try and be top dog, and those with few morals will do anything to try and achieve this.
And if WGT did stop credit games, many players simply would not play, or play a lot less as they could not fund their gameplay in the way they are accustomed too.
It is still a great game, played by IMHO, mostly honest players and in my case, I fund my own play and do not play credit games bar the odd CC game. If I win or lose, it does not matter - for me it is about trying to set personal targets, nothing more. To play with friends, having fun is what the game should be about, not averages, scores or career earnings.
As for witch hunts, I am divided - we have a right to know who is cheating us, but we should not be sharpening our own pitchforks, or shooting first then asking questions.
WGT should publish lists of multi accounters, (both multiple accounts and the primary user) and known cheats - the community is then warned and can be vigilant.
WGT has a duty of care to protect their users and should be more proactive - by publishing lists it would give some confidence to the genuine users of the site.
Players should have a direct email to report suspected multis.
Finally, Romax, be prudent and sensible on your chosen route. Personally I would be surprised if Icon had knowledge of this, so approach him in private first. If that fails and you still think you have enough evidence, use a plan b - via messaging all friends to get more opinions, then post in the forum as a last resort.
The latter will probably just succeed in getting the post removed and copping a ban.