alcaucin: alosso:
your profile states, you won 241 $.
Is any of this true?
Sort of...might not be able to take them off the site but......
In real money, you can take it anywhere - one difference.
alcaucin: if I win 600c then I can buy a sleeve of balls WITHOUT actually spending $6, which gives credits a real $ value.
There's only one situation where the equivalence is correct: In the "Buy Credits" section, and only in the opposite direction.
Mind you, "credits have no monetary value", just like the ice cream which you buy at the beach. Would anybody buy it from you for real Euros?
Otherwise, it describes only the worst case. Some prominent players here proudly state that they never gave a dime for credits - doing the "free credits" in their spare time, there's hardly an exchange rate to $.
For others, it's second or third place in a RG or successful matchplay - exchange rate?
Hey man, I know you got a 'bee in your bonnet' about something ? but...
You signed on here b4 I did and tho no-one reads the plethora of pages in the TCs in the beginning, we know in the end the totality of the legalise .after delving in over our time here.
( even spent many $$ consulting a few months back, to see if I could hurt WGT's pockets with a suit, it is possible, but prohibitively expensive )
YOU knew at the minimum 18 months ago what the script was....NOW you decide on a Crusade for whatever slight by WGT you envisage and have gone from a helpful member of the community to a tin hatted wannabe fool imo.
My lawyers would have a field can't change the terms of a contract..
( which you legally entered into when joining WGT ) when the mood suits...??
If you fooked up or made a bad deal then..DEAL WITH IT !!
And if I could pay for my $8 ice cream in Marbella with WGT credits THEN that would again, give them a $ / Euro real World worth / value ?!?
BTW..made a killing on the $ 8 yrs ago when it was on its ass....bought a shed load of them, the $ was only going to rise from that low....
.and could buy a gaff in Florida 1/2 price so I maybe I'm a dollar b.itch ......:)))