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All Country Clubs Can Compete For Visa Cash & More - Check it out...

Fri, Nov 14 2014 7:10 AM (21 replies)
    53 Posts
    Mon, Nov 10 2014 7:31 AM

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    Hello Competitive WGT Players, 

    We invite all Country Club Members to join in our competition.



  • cappy11
    1,173 Posts
    Mon, Nov 10 2014 10:15 AM

    Cheers Golf Club is IN and already has FIVE members signed up and PAID.......... get in line........this is a worthy cause and one that will get your December and the Holiday Season off to the proper start we are all looking for..........

                           CHEERS !!!!!


  • MichaelStroke
    2,066 Posts
    Mon, Nov 10 2014 3:05 PM

    My "Nigerian royalty detector" just went through the roof.

  • cappy11
    1,173 Posts
    Mon, Nov 10 2014 3:19 PM


    It is one thing to be thought of as a FOOL, but you ???  You just open your mouth and remove ALL Doubt !!!

    Have a nice life you Jerk

                 you're welcome


    53 Posts
    Mon, Nov 10 2014 5:19 PM

    If anyone else is as cynical as MichaelStroke, at least check it out before you criticize and cause yourself to look  like a  idiotic fool. 

    Included in our information is our USA address and telephone numbers, feel free to contact us. 

  • Dubfore
    4,350 Posts
    Tue, Nov 11 2014 12:03 AM

    I'd sooner give my money to the families of innocent victims of war.  

    A tiny fraction of what the US and British governments spend on arms would more than take care of the needs of 'warriors'.   

  • cappy11
    1,173 Posts
    Tue, Nov 11 2014 12:53 AM

    Sure like to see you stand Face to Face with a Wounded  Warrior and tell him that !!

    When You say families of innocent victims of you mean the FREAKS that plant BOMBS in School Busses and Open Markets in the name of Allah ???  Half of them MISS and BLOW themselves UP........OOOpps (BOOM)  Go grab one of your Virgins........that will make you happy and surprised (they are all 13 year old boys !!!!!)

    This is about a GAME and about raising money or an EXCELLENT cause and FREAKS like you have to turn it into a Political Agenda !!!!  Sad, so sad.  I can only hope and Pray you or someone you love is not forced to go off to war and come home wounded in the process. And I would Sure hate to see JERKS like you be there to greet them !

    Yes, it is true, "there are two sides to every story........just not really enjoying reading your side of the book !!!"

    To Peace..........

                                   you're welcome !

  • bobby58lucas
    164 Posts
    Tue, Nov 11 2014 1:26 AM

    Before this post gets turned into a political minefield,  I would like to say good call to LMCASH. actions speak louder than words and in all cases it takes somebody to stand up and do something before the rest follow. Of course there are two sides to every story, But these people never chose to have their legs and arms blown off the same as the innocent victims in other countries never chose to be bombed and shot at, unfortunately it is the good majority that have to suffer for the small minority. Throughout time the small minority have managed to kill millions upon millions of innocent people in the name of power and religion. If LMCASH wants to do a little bit to help others, who has the right to criticise.  If you do not agree do not donate SIMPLES 

  • Dubfore
    4,350 Posts
    Tue, Nov 11 2014 1:32 AM

    Wow, calm down, quite a few assumptions there, and I'm not here to pick a fight or go through your inaccuracies.  

    We could be here until after world war three talking about who did what to whom.  Peace, one of those most abused words, a favourite of presidents and prime ministers and their advisors.   I know I'm stating the obvious, but war is political.  

    A simple question to LCash.  Does your organisation get any government support?

    Peace is always welcome.



  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Tue, Nov 11 2014 1:44 AM

    This started out as a nice way to support injured soldiers and has now descended into bigotry .

    When You say families of innocent victims of you mean the FREAKS that plant BOMBS in School Busses and Open Markets in the name of Allah ???  Half of them MISS and BLOW themselves UP........OOOpps (BOOM)  Go grab one of your Virgins........that will make you happy and surprised (they are all 13 year old boys !!!!!)